
Why do we British put up with this inept government that is destroying our country?

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Why do we British put up with this inept government that is destroying our country?




  1. Don't worry, the Americans are doing it too.

  2. For the same reason we Americans have to put up with ours...because we don't want to live in prison or get of the Free ...that's funny...what a joke.

  3. id prefer maggy to gordon right about now!

    and thats SAYING SOMETHING

    i think im going conservative, bnp and green party atm

    ive never given a **** really but its getting desperate now!

  4. You have to face the fact that the Elite are more powerful that any government, remember JFK, and Thatcher was given a scare in that hotel, which was blamed on the IRA, so everyone does as they are told, the vote on the referendum in the house was all cleverly staged, and don't forget we are being dumbed down by the controlled media, and the Fluoride in our tap water.

  5. Simply because us "Brit's" are too scared and lack the balls to stand up and say we have had enough,there should be a system where we could all send a vote of no confidence to some organisation who could then get an election going,also we the people should vote on who we want to be the leader of the party we support,I cannot understand why "we" the people are not asked to vote on important issues concerning how our country is run.

    We have all expressed to the government our growing concerns over fast rising prices of everything,fat cats getting fatter off of us,and crime figures rising yet,all we get is ignored.We have the royal family sitting on their ivory thrones spending public money on everything wanting more money,we should get rid of them for a start,we need new blood running this country and none of the present parties are capable of this so,in a way we are stuffed because we have not got what it takes to make changes.

    Lets disregard what is happening elsewhere unless it directly affects us,bring the troops back,stop sending all this money abroad and for once think of England.

    Sorry I went on one then,but you point is excellent and stirs up good debate.

  6. Sadly, we dont have much choice at the moment. We need a government who are honest, able to sort problems out easily, a doer not a thinker, but since when have MP's and honesty shared the same sentence?

    No one has what it takes to get the ball rolling, instead we all think... its ok, someone else will do it... Where's Robin Hood when you need him!!!

    Seriously, something has got to be done and quick. Time to oust this pathetic excuse of a government and let someone decent enough to put this once great country back on the map where it belongs.

  7. we put up with it becouse we are stupid. we need a goverment that will start saying no and to put the people of england first.

  8. For the same reason as the Yanks, brain washing and being deceived by the Tories as an alternative.

  9. We all like to sit about whingeing about how the UK is going down the plughole whereas the French, well, they get out there, block the roads, strike, protest and so on to let their opinions known, us Brits tend to huff and puff a bit and then put up with it.

    At some point the tide will turn - I hope.

  10. We dont. The only people that vote for these socialist scumbags are illegal immigrants or the underclass that make their living claiming benefits off the state. The Labour Party is the most evil anti-british,defeatist left wing government in the history of politics. Gordon Brown spends more time rubbing shoulders with the communists in China than sorting out the UK's education,family breakdown,poor infrastructure, underfunded military etc.

  11. Because we are to polite and English to speak up. Lets vote in the BNP and see how things improve.

  12. Inept people elect an inept government.

  13. The hope is the peculiar genius of a democratic form of government. Over time it tends to balance itself, to correct wild swings that result from crises and reach a stable point. It remains to be seen whether we can do that under the current stresses.  Winston Churchill said that democracy is a very poor form of government --- but it's better than any other form we have been able to come up with.

  14. Because an awful lot of you were taken in like a bunch of fools with Blair and his lot going on about a New Britain.

    Because GMTV says Blair/Brown are nice and The Sun worships their bums everyone seemed to think it was OK to vote them in without a second thought.

    Luckily I wasn't one of the sheep that naively believed everything they said, even at the beginning.

  15. Suggestions a new system not put in.  Civic Currency made by citizens could provide an alternative. Computer photo shop plus artistic capability could do the job.

    Mints in recycling places. Recycled printed money. Each person with personal currency for their shop and such. Like Canadian Tire or Work Ware World had or has. Except not for deals but common use.

  16. Do not worry!The 'writing is on the wall' for this lot of political cretins!Two years and they are out!Thank goodness!Watch out for the 'bribes' just before the Labour Party Conference!But this time!The electorate is 'up to them'!!What  are the odds that Gordon Brown will spring a surprise on the Labour MPs by forcing them  into a vote of confidence in his leadership!Back him or Sack him!!I bet he working on that strategy now

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