
Why do we act as if our climate isn't changing and go on as before?

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Why do we act as if our climate isn't changing and go on as before?




  1. When has the climate not been changing?

    The term "global warming" is slowly being scientifically disproved, so they've changed their name to "climate change"; mostly because they got tired of being ridiculed for shutting down "global warming" symposiums because of record snow falls. "Climate change" is a meaningless term.

    This is the exact same dishonest tactic used by the evolutionists. When their 12-20 different versions of evolution where all scientifically disproved, they changed the definition of evolution until it no longer even resembles what Darwin proposed. Now, it's supposed to mean "things change". Over a hundred years of research and that's the best they can do, things change!? ...climate change!?

    Both are pitiful shams of what used to be science. Now they're both just left wing liberal nonsense. Oh, but don't you dare question their Or they'll call you a bunch of names and congratulate themselves on how learned they are (then fail to provide the scientific proof they said they had).

  2. Because we are primates. We don't let facts get in the way of our pursuit of s*x, power, status and the protection of our offspring.

  3. lol

    I didn't realize anyone still believed in the "Great Global Warming HOAX"

    It is pretty clear now this was just a way for Al Gore to get richer.

    Global Warming is equal to the Easter Bunny...MYTH

  4. It always changes.  And it's not "we."  I already consume very little and am consuming even less these days.  You need to ask Al Gore this question because no one is holding the messenger responsible for his own wasteful and hypocritical ways!

  5. There are two very simple answered that account for most things that happen - money and cba (can't be assed)

  6. We always respond to changes in the climate - the first Americans came here over a land bridge that's long since buried under the sea.

  7. We act like is if our climate is not changing because seems easier to ignore it than look back to see all the damage we have caused in the past and its affecting us now and how we can all work together to bring solutions to the table and start doing something that would benefit us all.

  8. these tremendous criteria elements of recent advance in technology were not seen but now we can touch that changes so so why?

  9. Ppl prefer to pretend and take the life like nothing is happening,because they know  what is happening its not a good thing,and when something is not good ppl prefer to stay out of it,,,humans are like that..

    people get scared,bcz the climate its changing and its damaging a lot of things....and can damage more...

    reality hurts...

  10. Everyone knows the climate is changing, it's just that the majority of them don't believe in "Global Warming".  You can't even get a room full of "experts" to agree on it.

  11. We cannot stop the changing of our planet it is a natural prossese that it has been going through long b4 we were here and it will continue long after we are gone... this planet is a violent one and it always has been it was destroyed itself complelty muliple times.

  12. Your question assumes that it hasn't been changing.  As a geologist, I am better informed than most that change is the norm.  Those that suggest it isn't don't know what they are talking about.

  13. because if the climate is changing,there is nothing we can do about it since we would not be the cause of it

  14. Well, I would suppose that is not entirely truthful. Actually, a lot of people are changing their lifestyles because of our climate. People are recycling. People are buying electric cars. Purchasing flourescent (sp?) lightbulbs. Using less heat. Using less water. Gaining some common sense.

       Other people, however, are intent on believeing that climate change is pishposh, daddle widdle, diddle waddle, and so on. I think most people are starting to feel the effects of global warming and are beginning to put plans into action.

  15. Some people feel that the weather will just do whatever it will do.  Some don't want to cut back on their consumption.  Leaders are more afraid of the effect on economies than the effect on the earth if they make the necessary cuts.

    Some take GW as a political issue - that it's just another way for liberal Democrats (in the US) to control their lives.

    Mostly, that the magnitude of cuts necessary to stabilize CO2 levels would make the living standard of the First World into that of Sub-Saharan Africa.  No leader will suggest this - so GW will happen anyway.


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