
Why do we all have so many Double Standards?

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Why is it ok for:

Women to wear mens boxers but a man will get made fun of if he wears a thong.

Women to wear men sneakers but a man will get beat if he wears high heels.

Women to wear a mans tee shirt but if a man wears a silk rhinestone top he will be called names.

Schools allow Hispanic and African America groups but if a german wanted to start a club they would not allow it because it is "racist."

A guy to sing in a high pitched girly voice but if a girl sings deep like a man she is laughed at.

A girl can shave her legs but if a guy shaves he is "g*y."

I'm sure you get my point so far but I'm just curious to understand why society has such a strong case of dubble standards.




  1. Because you have one,get one free?

  2. my fcuking friend has one.

    he has couple of sisters. its like no fuking guy on earth should looking at her sisters but then he, himself sleeps with a different girl every night! he is so horny too and as we,re together he makes comments about girls assses as they walk by.

  3. i know, i hate it but what can we do about it. we just have to teach our next generation to be less "double standartistic" if that is even a word! haha. sometimes society sucks

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