
Why do we allow 'socialist' countries like Sweden and Finland to continue abusing their unhappy people?

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"Just like Sweden, Denmark is a Nordic welfare state with most of its services free to the citizens. Expect to pay 72% of your money to the government on the highest income tax bracket. According to Wikipedia Denmark has the worlds highest taxes!

When buying a car in Denmark one has to pay 25% VAT to the import price of the vehicle and then a 180% registration tax on top. That means when a car sells for $20 000, you have to pay an additional $45 000 as taxes for the government (total of $65 000). That’s why people in Denmark ride bikes or use one of the best public transport systems in the world.

Denmark also has 2 autonomous provinces - the Faroe Islands and Greenland. The latter is over 50 times larger than Denmark but has about 100 times less people."


"This “welfare state” model is an excellent example of effective national taxes. Among other things the state provides universal tax-funded childcare, parental leave, health care, education (including university), retirement pensions and sick leave. Including value added tax (VAT - kind of like sales tax), it is possible to pay up to 80% of your income as taxes. Contrary to popular belief, Swedes are quite OK with their high taxes. After all it gives them tons of free and high quality services - what’s not to be happy about!

Sweden is also the home of IKEA - the worlds largest furniture store. IKEA’s founder Ingvar Kampard is famous for being the 7th richest person in the world (Net worth $31 billion) and driving a 15 year old Volvo station wagon. It has been claimed that more people read the Ikea catalogue than the Bible - and that one in ten Europeans have been conceived on an Ikea bed."


"Many people have no idea that Canada’s head of state is actually Queen Elizabeth II - the head of the British Monarchy. This meant that when Britain declared war on Germany in World War I, Canada was automatically at war with the soon to be n**i country. Unlike the neighboring US, Canada has never cancelled its relations with Cuba and has declined to take part from the Iraq War - instead, it has played a leading role in the United Nations peacekeeping missions and helped to launch a $1.5 billion initiative to help develop vaccines that could save millions of people in poor countries. It seems that happy people make a happy country!"

Three democratic-socialist countries. All of which are listed under the Top 10 -happiest- countries in the world.

Barack Obama's plans are going to destroy this country just like theirs!




  1. Wow. Another zinger from far right field.

  2. Obama is going to *cut* taxes for 95% of Americans.

    McCain is spending most of his tax cuts on the richest 2% of Americans. He's also going to tax your healthcare benefits.

  3. Where have you been for the past eight years. This country is already destroyed!

  4. Every person that I know from these countries ARE VERY HAPPY. They feel sorry for Americans .

    Volvo is a very good car . Drove all around Colorado in a Volvo - great car.

  5. That is their business it is not up to us to police the world....besides the first guy is right....

  6. Finland and Sweden are two of the most greatest countries in the world. Their people are happy and content.  

  7. Obama's plans for tax increases only affect those making around or above 250k. The framing of the comparison to N. Europe skews things.  McCain  will increase taxes on those making less than that, but not more. The "middle America" that love McCain should also love their new taxes.

    I used to work with someone from Denmark, and he did love his country, and consistent happiness was his description. He couldn't wait to return. He was also one of the hardest working people I have ever met.

  8. Because there is no oil there!

    Good question by the way.  Shame some people fail to see the irony in your question.

    FACT - The USA spends more on healthcare per person than any other country on the planet.

    FACT - The USA has higher death rates for kids aged under five than most industrialised countries

  9. Scandinavia is a textbook example of how Marxism doesn't really work, never has, never will.  

  10. it's not our job to police the world !!!

  11. People just call Obama a socialist because it's not all that far away or sounds as good as to a humanist, in which he actually is.

  12. why are happy people killing themselves?  Sweden's suicide rate is higher than the US.  So is Finland's.

  13. Who is we?

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