
Why do we allow taxes to be put upon us with no complaint?

by  |  earlier

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Every day now more and more items that we need are going up in price but our income is limited to hard fought for raises why do we in the UK put up with this . are we the sheep of europe ?




  1. You're not complaining? I'm complaining! I whine about taxes and charges and rates all the time to anyone who will listen and a whole load of people who don't. I write letters too, and if I'd known about the protest where the lorries did a go-slow to protest fuel charges I'd have done that too. In fact, I'm the founder of a program of civil disobediance called "Sir Richard Protests", and I'm just off to design the badge now.

  2. Yes we are the sheep.  The Goverment tax us and we have 2 choices, pay or go to jail.

    We are taxed to death in this country and a lot of it is down to scroungers that we have to pay for.

  3. If we are good citizen we must observe our obligation. Paying taxes is one.

  4. We have all been complacent sitting around on our rearends letting it happen. Now it is time for us all to start protesting, aggravating our elected officials, bringing court cases and stopping the taxation without representation. We need legislation to be able to recall all levels of elected officials who do not perform as promised in all state and federal governmental positions. There needs to be a cross country stoppage of the payment of taxes by all people. Then they can put us all in federal prison. We have got to do something or Washington is going to bankrupt the world. Thank the liberals, they are the tax and spend crew..

  5. we are rip off UK. None of the other EU countries tax their people so much. I still say it is the armed forces that drain our money. We should now have a european forces paid for by all the members, we are no longer an Empire and don't need to have such a large MOD

  6. Can you name anywhere in the world where prices aren't going up?  Okay, so move there!

  7. duno but i think we should start a protest!!!!

  8. luxury needs to be fund

  9. Because we voted the pigswillers into power. It's the fault of the voters. Having said that you would need a microscope to find anyone better standing for election. Democracy will only work when there are good candidates to vote for.

  10. and here in the USA ; same thing; feeling that one person can't make a difference but it can ; drop by drop the bucket gets full; or the theory not my job and just pay and shut up ; it is like that everywhere, cancer of society and losing individuality drop by drop , year by year ; you get kicked around enough, you apt not to stand up in the crowd to get kicked again, unfortunately but true.  Look at the gas crisis ; if we wanted it and demanded it , we could get off it but then the greedy wouldn't be satisfied and fulfilled ; they would have  to join the rest of us and really have to work for a living.  Here we are organizing a gas boycott on June 17 and June 18 , join in and pass it on; a journey of a thousand miles starts with one step

  11. when everything starts going c**p and we're being ripped off, we stop voting for them, then they panic and promise to cut taxes, but we still don't vote for them as they'll put the taxes back up as soon as they get the votes

  12. We are worse than sheep. Europe just takes the p**s out of us all the time and our government just rolls over and lets it happen. We are taxed to pay for Europe.

    A long and bloody revolution is needed in this country. We are not even allowed to celebrate being British without facing prosecution for inciting racial hatred. Try telling an American that he can't put an American Flag outside his house/on his car etc. You'd get shot! But no, in England we are not allowed to even celebrate St George's Day because it might offent people of other nationalities. The sad thing is, it's probably not the people from other nationalities that will be offended. They probably couldn't give a toss. It's the bureaucrats that are worried about offending others. It's a shame they don't give a d**n about offending the British people as much as they do the non-brits.

    I harbour no resentment towards peoples from any other country on this planet, but, I do take offense to having to be ashamed to be who I am.

  13. well somebody needs to pay all the MPs, bureaucrats and their expenses. plus we need to fund an occasional war every now and again. but most of the governments expenses do go to fund education and health.

  14. yes.  Whilst we have a spineless Prime Minister in charge - it is never going to improve.  Why don't the people of this country make a united stand and say NO -enough is enough.  Why do the Scots and the Welsh get the privilege of free parking in Hospitals and we have to pay? Why do the Scots get less tax, free prescriptions etc.  Why doesn't Gordon Brown just go and live in Scotland and represent the Scots instead of giving the English the rough end of the pineapple to what is literally - a subsidy to the Scots.  I'm up for making a stand - any suggestions how we implement this?

  15. What do you suggest we do about it?

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