
Why do we always want more? How can we be satisfied with what we have?

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I agree we need to want better and more of certain things. But what about addiction? Like to buything things? or eating to much? How do we find balance in those things?




  1. We are hungering for many things but we seek the wrong things to fill that hunger. We must learn to seek what we really crave.

  2. It will depend on how is your mind-set.

  3. Should we be satisfied? Wanting more is a biological instinct attached to survival. After all, those who laze around all day happy with what they have will be ill prepared in the case of disaster and will never advance. Society must advance, progress is a necessity.

    If we all stopped in this very second and said, we should keep the status quo, what would happen? Global warming, religious extremism, famine, etc etc. We must want more and better to have the ability to progress.

  4. Rid mankind of emotions.

  5. According to Maslow all persons are driven toward 'self actualisation'. He described this as "the desire for self-fulfilment, namely the tendency for him [the individual] to become actualised in what he is potentially."(1) Perhaps this drive towards material objects highlights the 'esteem' section within his hierarchy of needs. I would also argue that there is a possibility of this need being placed within the safety section, being that it is common to surround yourself with materialistic possession, creating a psychical 'boundary' between yourself and the 'world'.

  6. too many questions!

    Move to someplace like NYC, and simply consider that you already have all that is there.  After all, it is all there for you to see pretty much whenever you like.  After a while, you realize that what fits into your apartment is plenty good enough.  The rest is just outside your apartment, and you don't even have to pay for it.  Inside, outside, so what?

  7. that's where the self-control comes for...we need to repeatedly tell ourselves that we need to stop doing like that. it depends on how badly u want to change.

    probably human never satisfy what they want...either in material, relationship or power..

  8. If we stop judging quality relatively to what is right infornt of our eyes ( or right next door ) we win overnight it's that simple.

  9. You tend to amass for fear of want in the future. No animals has that fear. They live feeding on whatever Nature provides them and do not save for the rainy day. Man saves for himself and for his progeny for a secure belly for all time to come.

  10. I can blame our culture a bit. But if you want more and more your'e trying to fill a void. You have to go back to the beginning and find small joys. Like in nature we hand fed chipmunks, little things. I love to hang laundry on the line. Try and understand how rich we are by checking out developing

    countries. Read about people i always say this but the biography of malcolmX

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