
Why do we americans cry about the high gas price of gas when we have the means to end the price wars.?

by  |  earlier

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alcohol fuels aircraft and can run auto made after 2000.




  1. cause its Bush's fault that the gas prices are high!

    if Al Gore was president gas would be now $1.29 gal

  2. i'm an american and i wish I coukd answer that for you.

    'the ONLY answer I can give you is $. AMerica is NOT a country, it's a CORPORATION.

  3. No clue...We have vast amounts of oil in our own reserves we could be pumping to subsidize or even eliminate foreign oil, but we wont because were told its bad...its ridiculous

    oh and uh, try containing hydrogen for any period of seeps through literally every atom known to man, so it has to be made on site through electrolysis of water, which requires where ya gonna get the energy to break off the hydrogen without using fossil fuels or cost-ineffective ethanol processes? so shut the h**l up about hydrogen until you actually know something about it.

  4. I ask myself the same thing all the time...I live in Italy where gas is about 5$ a gallon so I got a car with GPL, a propane run engine and I spend a quarter of that.

    I see more and more people here at the GPL pumps everyday, because instead of complaining, they're changing things.

  5. Well ur right there are other options there, like ethanol and hybrid cars, electric cars etc.. Lots of people have switch to hybrid cars. I personally do not complain about it, cause i know ethanol, diesel or hybrid engines are not going to spool my turbo enough. Lol besides i like the smell of unburned fuel.

  6. We complain because gas is way overpriced and we know it. Also as long as the politicians are in the back pocket of the oil companies there will never be a change.

    If you don't believe that gas is overpriced, consider this. ExxonMobile made an average of $1300 PROFIT per minute in 2007

  7. where are you getting YOUR information.....aircraft don't run on alcohol.....with the exception of some experimental models

    piston aircraft use 100 octane low lead gasoline

    turbine aircraft run jet-A which is basically refined kerosene

    there were conversions made to run unleaded in alot of piston engine aircraft but alot of us don't trust it because in non-fuel injected aircraft, the vapor pressure of the fuel is too low and can cause vapor lock....not something you want when flying.......

  8. according to the owners manual in my car it states not to use gas containing more that 10% alcohol. (which means E-85). Maybe the cars in the future and when it is more available.

  9. Because they think it's the only way to go. The government has the capability and technology to change everything over to a different natural resource, like the sun. But they won't, because they won't make the money. It's all about the Benjamin's. It's just like making smoking illegal. They won't do it, cuz they will lose billions of dollars in tax money. Our government is playing us. When we finally decide to have a revolution, things will change. You know, this country was founded on freedom. All of our freedoms are being taken away. Why won't anyone see that? The government thinks they need to jump in on every little thing in our lives.

  10. With the advent of E-85 which takes more energy to produce than it saves, think of what it has done to the price of corn tortillas. All that corn is now being used to fuel the cars instead of making affordable food for poor immigrants.

    E-85 is just another scam. S***w the Caribou; Drill Alaska.

  11. There are four big problems with this.

    1. Only a few cars can run on it, even after 2000.

    2. E85 costs more than gasoline, although the price can seem a little lower because the government takes taxpayer money to subsidize it. (People may think oil companies get favors from politicians, but Exxon has nothing on Archer Daniels Midland, one of the biggest ethanol producers. The ethanol / agribusiness groups get so much money out of the public trough it's sickening, and E85 *still* isn't much cheaper than gaslone.)

    3. Cars get worse mileage on E85, so the cost per mile is considerably higher even if it were sold at current prices without government subsidies.

    4. If we grew enough E85 to meet our existing fuel needs with the current alchohol production technology, we wouldn't have enough farmland left to grow food.

  12. takes a lot of energy to make e-85.

    Maybe even more than the energy we get back out of it. Same process  as making moonshine. tractors to harvest the corn, then haul it to the grain bin, then haul it to an elevator, then haul it on a train, and so on and so an

  13. IF you think the prices are bad in America, try living in the UK

  14. what about hydrogen power? what, water doesn't pollute the environment for ya enough?!

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