
Why do we an easter bunny, when bunnies don't lay eggs?

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Why do we an easter bunny, when bunnies don't lay eggs?




  1. A mailman doesn't actually write the mail he brings you.

  2. The bunny is a symbol of abundance since they are prolific reproducers. Easter is a celebration of spring a time of planting and hoping for a prolific harvest.

  3. The idea of an egg-laying bunny came to the United States in the 18th century. German immigrants in the Pennsylvania Dutch area told their children about the "Osterhas," sometimes spelled "Oschter Haws." "Hase" means "hare," not rabbit, and in Northwest European folklore the "Easter Bunny" indeed is a hare, not a rabbit. According to the legend, only good children received gifts of colored eggs in the nests that they made in their caps and bonnets before Easter.[6] In 1835, Jakob Grimm wrote of long-standing similar myths in Germany itself. Noting many related landmarks and customs, Grimm suggested that these derived from legends of Ostara.[7]

    The German and Amish legends were most likely rooted in European folklore about hares' eggs [8] which seems to have been a confusion between hares raising their young at ground level and the finding of plovers' nests nearby, abandoned by the adult birds to distract predators. Hares use a hollow called a form rather than a burrow. Lapwings nest on the same sort of ground, and their nests look very similar to hare forms. So in the Spring, eggs would be found in what looked like hare forms, giving rise to the belief that the hare laid eggs in the spring

  4. Easter is originally a Pagan based holiday on the Spring Equinox around march 19-20th. It symbolizes rebirth of nature and new life. They also celebrated the coming back of the sun since the equinox pertains the day and night being equal length, but marks when the days will become longer and nights shorter.  They would ask for blessings on their crops and over the seasons to come for growth, joy, and prosperity. Christians adapted the holiday for it's meaning because it matched the life, death, and rise of Christ from the grave. New life and rebirth are the ideas associated with Easter.

    We use the rabbit, because in pagan traditions the rabbit is seen as meaning new life and rebirth. They are said to bring luck to pregnant women also in some folk lores if seen in the wild. We use eggs because every living carbon based life for (humans, mamals, anything that breathes oxygen)  comes from an egg in some way or another. It shows the bringing new life to nature (as spring brings a rebirth in the trees and new life in animals, plants, etc.)

  5. Because Christians don't know or care that they are mammals.

  6. something cuz of mamles

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