
Why do we as Humans like to act like we are so Advanced when we are Actually so Behind???

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People and when I say people I imply every person all around the Earth, like to feel like we are above other creatures on the planet that we share with. If we are so advanced as a species then why can't we all get together and get past our differences?: race, gender, religion, and etc. If we're so great then why do we fight over petty things? I look at animals and I see the way that they work together and then I look at people and we look absolutely barbaric. Before we try to go onto other planets I suggest that we take care of the issues that we have here on Earth. If any nation is starving, war wrecked, or diseased don't think oh that's not my country and so that is not my business/problem. People should realize that these people are your brethen and need your help. For such an "advanced" species we are so behind in many ways!




  1. Animals that work together are mainly insects such as ants and bees. In their societies each individual has a predetermined role and no choice in the matter. Certainly a beehive works together for the common good. However, there's no art, no advancement and certainly no freedom of choice.

    Chimpanzees have a very patriarchal society. It works well in that there's often enough food and the band can operate together, However, the dominant male will kill babies that aren't his and will tolerate no male that wants to breed. Chimps also eat meat and make war on other bands.

    Animals may look cute and we may may bestow anthropomorphisms on them, assuming that they have human traits and feelings. It may appear that they are working together peaceably. However it's just that an appearance.

    Humans fight, they compete with each other. They also end disease, paint pictures, fly in space and sing. They're not perfect but are the only species on this planet that is known to dream of a better world.

  2. Every species is advanced in that they are ideally suited to their environment.  We could not make it in a chimp's niche for example so in that regard you could call a chimp advanced.  The same is true of all animals.

  3. Be patient Amy...

    In 6,000 years, we went from the first evidence of symbolic writing, to the moon...

    As Stephen hawking wrote, "Humans are just an advanced breed of monkey, on a minor planet, of a very average star, but we can understand the universe. That makes us very, very, special"...

    If we don't cooperate within the next 500 years, by forming one world nation, with one world language, and colonize Mars, our species could become extinct!

  4. We're not advanced, but we're definitely more aware than most species on this planet.  Sure we aren't perfect, but we can invent things, solve problems, etc.  Other species just eat, sleep, mate.  

    So, in that regard, we're are more advanced.

  5. Yes, animals never fight with each other, kill each other or eat each other's flesh. Humans have problems because humans are so intelligent.

  6. whatever

  7. this is a fu**ing masonic view! and i don't know what's the matter with you guys! i try to deduce that only an atheist can put himself in such problems and questions . like if we reduce our culture (like religion, PAST, race etc) we could be more advanced. advanced in what?!! try to think about you. if you have no past you have no identity, then if you don't have identity (memories, experiences - like a nation also has) you are nobody. am i wrong? i don't think so. you want to get to  Mars?? you want to live on the other planets when you don't know nothing about yourself. why i say that? because you believe that humans are not advanced enough. let me tell you. do you know what conscious is? do you know what thoughtfulness is? ok. if so tell me if you ever thought how to use them? because you are - from what i can see - a cumulus of influences (Tv, internet, etc) ready-made. you don't have even two arguments for what you are saying. you say only that we have wars because we have different culteres, but i say we have wars because someone has more oil and someone has more gold. that doesn't mean that we are behind animals. no? and if you pay attention you will see that we are not barbaric because we are behind. we are barbaric for money (like the american gouvernment, and not only that) and we are barbaric because we are ignorants. and we are like this only because we have ready-made principles and we don't like to see that there are many ways in which we can judge the world and the people. so if you put the problem like that - advanced - non-advanced - i think that you aren't seeing the essential part of the humanity but you afford yourself to speak in the name of the humanity itself. probably nobody see the essential but to say that we are worse than animals it's very very bad. and i take it personally. i hope that you will see the good part of my answer. i don't want you to be angry with this answer, i just want to make you think twice or think deeper at this things. excuse my english. i know that it's not pretty good

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