
Why do we as a democratic society need moral policing? How can we protect ourselves from it?

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Why do we as a democratic society need moral policing? How can we protect ourselves from it?




  1. People should look at straightening their own act before sticking their noses into other people's lives.

  2. The government in a democratic society is ' govt. of the people, by the people and for the people'.In other words, a king does not rule over them.They periodically elect their govt.

    That govt. ensures that laws are made in its 'legislature',and implemented by administrators in diverse departments,('executive 'powers),and law and order maintained by the police force and miscarriage of justice prevented by the 'judiciary.'The press acts as the eyes and ears of the public.

    Where, then, is the need for  a special moral police?Morals of the public are also valuables as assets of the public.The police could  do moral policing also far better than any other.

    To protect our faith, our assets, and our morals. let us look to the Govt,and not  to any other body.  Further,let us be vigilant enough to ensure that no political party claims to serve our religious aspirations and protect our religious interests.

    The fanatic leaders, to gain political mileage, raise big storms and play upon the emotions of the ordinary people to their highest pitch. but once their purpose is even

    partly served , they  coolly place the issue on back burner!

    "Ajab toofan hai, toofane muhabbath,

      Mujhe bedaar kar so rahaa hai!"

    (Strange is the storm of love,

    It awakens me, but goes to sleep!)

  3. We don't. But, it's not a new thing. Back in the 1920s a famous newspaper columnist named H.L. Mencken first came upon this phenomenom. He wrote about the New Pilgrims and defined them as people who lay awake at night, worried that someone out there was having  fun.

    You can protect yourself from it today by listening for the "mantra" of this group: "We have to do it for the children". When you hear it, start to oppose it!

  4. All societies have cultural moral frameworks, and all societies have individuals that do not match those frameworks. If you live in the United States, you can learn to live with differences, while thanking fortunate providence that you live where your society will not kill you for being different per someone Else's judgment.

  5. Generally we make mistakes and when realise it, we create a system to avoid mistakes. At a span of 10-20 years the system becomes so complicated that no one follows it.

    Moral policing is also like that. You start at home, then school, college, office, street, news, tv and practically everything undergoes policing. In real practice no one follows it. People do whatever they wanted to do. Immoral activities happen everywhere, no one is serious about it.

  6. in a civilized society there is so many norms ,control ,habits custom and  usage- there is also so many prohibited things-

    and duties.

    all this related to natural life.

    in the name of democracy no one has right to violate all norms

    of the society.

    democracy is  only for  the civilized people

    if any one  cross the borderline, society has right  to correct them.

    it is impossible  to control to the society to give up its right.

  7. Do you believe in "big Brother"

  8. The degrading "moral code of conduct" has brought disaster to the family unit.

    Condoned teen s*x, single parenthood, same s*x marriage tomention a few.

    This country was established by large families, and moral conduct is a must.

    A lack of moral code brings unplanned children, abortions, and mahem.

    You do not need moral policing, if you are a good moral person. only imoral people need to be policed.

    I don't want my grand daughter to be walking into WalMart and have some derilict flash her ...

  9. When you say the words "democratic society," you should stop thinking that we ARE one, when what it is, is, that we "used to be one." Before we decided to pretend to be one.

  10. such a long QUESTION so no ANSWER

  11. We do not need any extra legal "moral policing".  Off late there are too many instances of political party backed "activists" indulging in violent protests against schools, teachers, cyber cafes, examination centres, blackening peoples faces etc.  It is surprising that the police stand by as silent spectators permitting the mayhem, and at times even aiding the protesters.  More than the actual culprits, stringent penalties ought to be levied on the police who are obliged to maintain law and order, yet blatantly fail to do so.

  12. Morale policing was an ideological based guidelines but nowday n the way people using is a bullshit concept.

    we bare adults n we know wat to do not to do,if i can not do in accordance to a bunch of people they can forcefully or allegaly influence me,trash all the things n shout its morale policing

    y man


    be cool .live ur life n let me live mine

    wat these people do,nothing mere shows frustrtaions of their own ,sometimes for a political guilt

    lets stand strong against such group n also police needs to support us againsty morale policing

  13. We are not  only a  democratic society but also gradually becoming too much democratic  in obeying or disobeying laws of the land we live in. In other words we are misusing the freedom granted to us by democracy. We are also becoming immoral on many an occassions which the laws of the land do'nt permit and it is then that moral policing  becomes imperative which otherwise would not have been neccessary.

  14. we don't.

  15. Well, do you know that Hong Kong uniformed policemen are being charged ( just on this Sunday's local Hong Kong newspaper) for claimed s*x services without paying to either the hookers or the pimps. Hong Kong is a very corrupted city where the people don't give a d**n each other, most of them are greedy and selfish b******s. What they care is just the money. I guess the best in this case (in Hong Kong only) is don't get involved with anything with policing unless it is inevitable!

  16. We must improve ourselves and protect others from doing wrong.

  17. I agree with you as it is very difficult to protect ourselves from it.

  18. no we don't need moral policing   .we can protect our self   by being a little more responsible in public places  n understanding their is a very thin line between freedom  with responsibility n obscenity n public places .moreover we have 2 stand n speak up

  19. I am of the belief of public virtue and private vice. In other words in what is done if private is your own business what is done in the public light affects the public and thus moral standards.

    "Just because you have the right to do something does not make it right." this quote or something similar has been attributed to many but I chose to quote William Safire.

  20. The immorality of others has grown into a political slogan these days, with NeoCons presenting themselves as decent folks, while "them Libs is downright shameful!"  Cheating and lying don't seem to matter, but all things pertaining to s*x are the difference between good and evil.  

    On one hand, they deplore Hollywood for its "sinfulness."  Then they get another actor to run for office.

    They claim to be Pro-Life but actually, they are pro-punishment.  When I asked one rightwinger why she disapproved of birth control, yet didn't want to help feed the resultant children with her tax money, and she retorted, "You breed 'em, you feed 'em."

    Thus, by denying birth control, they can cut off all avenues of escape for people having s*x and the babies, rather than little bundles of joy, are the wages of sin.

  21. Have you forgotten what our Constitution is for and what our Forefathers' intent was? I think you need to read it.  And BTW, before Communism is committed in this country, All h**l will break loose, After all, isn't that what Former President Ronald Reagan told Gorbachev "Tear Down This Wall!" ?

    Think about it.  We, as a society might push the envelope at times for our own groups's identity but it will be a cold day in h**l before we as a nation allow anything close to that to take over our society!

    I think what you're trying to say is:  Brother, look out for one another and another.

  22. human beings have the capacity for good AND evil, so just as in a free society people are free to pursue good and moral lives, to some extent people are also free to pursue immoral and evil acts as well...

    much of this "policing" needs to be indoctrinated at a young age (pre-school, kindergarten, elementary school etc.), stuff like "don't litter", "be polite to elders", etc...

    these lessons from a young age help shape our morality, our goodness... without them, the animalistic, instinctive side of human nature comes out more, and that's not necesarily a good thing...

  23. As a democratic society we do not need moral policing. In case there is problem to others, or the socity, it can be sorted out democratically through the judicial system. Also it is immoral to tax the tax payer for payments to the moral policing officials.

  24. we don't we should be able to police ourselves, but when someones morals (or lack of) impinge on the rights of another thats when it becomes a crime, until then who cares?

  25. Stop them! As if as we have seen neither party can morally police their own selves. Nothing but a ruse to gain more information on the citizens this country seems to be regarding as "Enemies of the State" lately then any sort of government at the service of the people.

       This is truly now a "Government of the Corporation for the Corporation..........Mary

  26. We need it but we shouldn't need it, we should have a understanding of the power of treating others as we would want to be treated. And we should be honest that we want to be loved and respected. Do you remember the black civil rights movement? One thing that should be learned from that is the only weapon with the potential to draw support from the enemies of good that they had was their moral plea to the conscience of those who had become deceived that they were good people. So to not have it is to be weapon less in times of battle; in times like we live in presently, where this evil world globalization force is ripping out freedom out of our hands by stealth.

  27. When government fails to prevent the flow of drugs into the USA via other countries, when government fail to protect the borders and identify any person coming into our country, when the government in States makes cuts to public safety programs(hiring less police or sheriffs), then we must all stay stuck into the mode of not only policing ourselves, but, policing others as well.

    Two examples of why: (1) a 91 year old man beaten brutally while on lookers watched and DID NOTHING...(2) a woman lay bleeding from a knife wound in an ailse of a grocery market , and shoppers steps over her to continue shopping, while another shopper stops to have a friend snap a picture of this on her cell phone. How can we protect ourselves - with the freedom to bear arms. Because a majority of people have sadly sidelined themselves and allowed their own very  morals to fade away like the aforementioned, and expect government to do it all but they don't do squat,  and we are losing people into hiding from the problems instead of facing it head on. Our USA moral values has been on the decline for decades, look at what our country is doing in other countries wanting to give them this same freedoms that we need to get under control ourselves, and this is why the US today is looking practically hypocritical to think we can help others when our people are in dire needs, and sadly other countries is calling it out like it is truthfully. And before any one start thumbs downing me, I am a war veteran and fought proudly with other Americans of ALL colors, and have two sons in their second tour in Iraq. WE as a family made the military a way of life for ourselves, in hopes of a better future for ALL Americans of every race. For this I RISKED MY LIFE AND FOR THIS THE FRIENDS THAT I MADE DURING SERVICE HAD DIED, AND FOR THIS MY SONS WILL ENDURE the same faith of all veterans disgust of people whom disrespect our laws and country

  28. By not expecting the Government to provide Cradle to the Grave Services. Pre Natal Care, Post Natal Care, WIC, Daycare, Child Support, Welfare, Head Start, Public Education, Student Loans, HUD, Small Business Loans, Medicare, MediCaid,

    " A government that has the power to give you what you want has the power to take everything you have"

    Barry Goldwater

  29. Unfortunately we need moral policing!  Through the legislative processes, we Police ourselves and participate in the Legislative and judicial process, write and protest unfair legislation that do not benefit Americans in general. Reasons?  Persons with sociopath tendencies have No Moral baring! Pedophiles think they have the right to molest children

  30. this is clearly the profession of a nobel

    career we should let it rest.  or move on.

  31. I think, moral polishing is required in every kind of human society and not only in a democratic society only. Protection from moral polishing is not required at all.

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