
Why do we believe the image that is portrayed of the world around us?

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Why do we believe the image that is portrayed of the world around us?

Please take the time to watch the video 1min 11 sec

And think what a highly skilled team professional agents could change the story to suit the needs of those they serve.

How can the average person judge the video reports of say Bin Laden of the press reports stating that Iran wants to wipe Israel off the face of the earth?

Add to everything the fact that their words are not the native language of the audience!

How can you be so sure that you know the Truth?




  1. people do not want to know the truth.

    people will believe whatever they are fed so they can remain ignorant and remain to live in bliss.

    as long as they dont know it means it doesnt exist...

    there are forces behind all that the media gives us and we are being fed what they are told to feed us

    here is a link i posted a few days back

    i think u will find it interesting

    they control everything

  2. Clearly with many peoples thinking we have to accept that its their way as they seem to far gone, but understanding it is possibly the only way to help them.

    I just remembered that clip well several actually, in Iraq where they filmed a part of a street because the camera could only fit so little people in it. And in this street, according to the journalist voice over, was filled with hundreds of people cheering about the Americans coming to liberate them. My guess there wasn't even 100 people in this part of the street/shot.

    Any sensible person probably took to sniping at the INVASIVE ENFORCEMENT officers from the precarious safety of their home. In the REAL world if you were being invaded you would surely try to protect your home I am certain I would definitely get the ole tin hat out, well make one from tinfoil anyhow.

  3. [1:1]

    dear sly...

    THAT is why...

    We must rely on the word of God.

    Otherwise we are just listening to propaganda.

    "Sanctify them by Your truth.

    Your word is truth."  - John 17:17

    We must always test what we see and hear by the truth...

    or we will most certainly get lost in illusion and deceit.


    YUSUFALI: And say: "Truth has (now) arrived, and Falsehood perished: for Falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish."

    PICKTHAL: And say: Truth hath come and falsehood hath vanished away. Lo! falsehood is ever bound to vanish.

    SHAKIR: And say: The truth has come and the falsehood has vanished; surely falsehood is a vanishing (thing).

    best wishes and warm regards...

    take refuge in the word of God... my friend. [John 8:32]

    SubhanAllahi wa biHamdihi

    "Truth is reality."

    "Lies are illusion."


    [Psalm 5].[6:4].[6:5]

  4. . . . . . . . . . b/c most of us are like sheep - - we never step back and think (& probably never will);

    WHO - HOW - WHY - WHERE - WHEN . . . . . . ?

  5. Amazing isn't it, the mainstream media can spew any sort of nonsense and tens of millions of Americans will accept it as the God's own truth. Read a fun quote today from an article pondering the same:

    "I'm actually not sure sometimes what is more repulsive: the bosh they trot out as campaign "issues," or the enthusiasm with which the public buys it."

  6. People, from the beginning of time, have the herd mentality, and believe and follow  whomever has the power to lead, unquestionably. The news media takes advantage of this concept, the politicians pounce upon it with vim and vigor, and the majority of the public allow them to do so, because of they are, but, lowly sheep, ready for the shearing.

    If they did not translate the reports, the majority of listeners would not know what is being said, so in this alone, the spin doctors can and do what they can to direct their ascertains in the direction they wish it to go.

    A cure for this problem would be a one world language, making it possible for everyone to understand each other, but this will possibly never come into being, not in our life times.Another would be a one world, one army order, which would still be the same old story, for some one would want to seize all the power and rule with an iron fish. Still, another would be to return to ancient times with no convenient transportation, therefore, causing total isolation of each community, which is not going to happen. So, the only option left is to play ostrich, stick our heads in the sand and hope the lion does not see our tail feathers sticking up and bite us in the a**.

  7. That's why they are called "spin doctors"  .  I think every politician has had them for PR.  Now with the media and current events so immediate everywhere it is more noticeable.  

    There will always be countries eg: France that are so envious of all the wonderful things that the US represents.  They try to manipulate the minds of the Europeans to think as they do and then where do they go on their vacations?  --  The US.  - New York, California etc.

    The US  has ignored  their  insults for what they are, silly rhetoric.  As far as Bin Laden goes, who really cares what he thinks.  He is worm and just try and wipe Israel off the earth ( not that he could ) and see who gets wiped off first, Binny Boy.

  8. I like this for a take on truth, Evil Live Evil Live Evil Live Evil Live Evil Live Evil Live Evil Live Evil Live Evil Live Evil Live Evil Live Evil Live Evil Live Evil Live Evil Live Evil Live

    Or is that just Bruce Forsyth on the Balls room dancing show?

  9. All it takes is one word, one punctuation or one   explanation mark. People see what they want to see even if it is a lie.

    I will agree on this one... we can make Dinosaurs walk, why not anything else.. I just couldn't resist the following  entree..

    Deer Amiricen Cibil Libtiz Onion,

    ... Eye wood lice too Sue mai sckool fur nut educaten mi riht. Fur nut telen mi tha riht frum wrung. Fur leing two mi en myne eyis.

    ................... Thenk u

    fur uyr taim n understenden....Mephisto....

    Subject: The Human Mind

    The human mind .   I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deson't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?

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