
Why do we breath?

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Why do we breath?




  1. so we can live because if we don't breath our body is getting enough oxygen around the body to work so we die.

  2. so that the oxygen goes into our lungs to allow respiration to occur, allowing us crete energy, so we can move, meaning we dont die - the whole point of breathing

  3. Surely you mean 'breathe'.

    Your body needs oxygen for change your food into energy. The basic equation is:-..........

    Food + oxygen>>>>Energy + carbon dioxide + water.

    Why the thumb-down???...This is correct.

  4. We breathe to live.

  5. really? try not doing it for a while and you will find out

  6. lol la u..we breath bcoz our lungs need oxygen n u also need oxygen to stay alive..

  7. We breath to consume free resources of nature... But unfortunately i feel even air wont be for free in future.


  8. To live.

  9. For the oxygen to keep us alive

  10. to stay alive derrrr

  11. because our body need oxygen that is in the air and its the easiest way we can get it into our body

  12. A good question!   The human body can be considered as a sophisticated form of a heat engine.  We breathe in order to obtain the oxygen needed to 'burn' the sugars in our blood. This produces the heat which makes us warm-blooded and, of course, provides the energy for our daily activities.

  13. i dont im a plastic toy

  14. same question to you, why do you live???why do you have life?
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