
Why do we brush our teeth with cold water?

by Guest63285  |  earlier

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Surely hot water's just as good....




  1. yes but it would be like drinking hot water wouldn't it. would taste terrible nyway

  2. lol , i brush mine with hot water , i think im the only one in the whole world

  3. Probably because if you leave the hot tap running whilst brushing your teeth it would get too hot and you may burn yourself/mouth.  Thats the only thing I can think of.

  4. I use warm water, its a lot more refreshing

  5. Cold water seems more refreshing, as the mint is emphasized. Helping our teeth feel fresher and somehow cleaner..but it may be more psychological.

  6. Hot water often comes from a tank, so is not as clean or fresh as cold water - it could have bits of water tank and anything that has fallen into the tank in it, or could have been sat in the tank for days.  You should not drink from the hot water tap unless you know it's fresh running water being instantly heated by passing over a heating element.  It is also more economically and ecologically sound to not heat the water.

    Furthermore, if your heating system is any good, the water is going to get really hot before too long and you'll burn your gob.

  7. the toothpaste is normally "spicy", so it would cool it down with cold water

  8. i use warm water.

    your in a minority mate.x

  9. i use cold water i used warm once before was not so reffreshing and tasty

  10. I brush my teeth with warm water as it softens the bristles  on my toothbrush - making it more gentle on the gums

  11. good question i really dont know am away to try with hot water ...

  12. I have tried brushing my teeth with hot water...and it tastes disgusting!

    i dont know why! :S

  13. I brush my teeth with warm water...

  14. I don't brush my teeth with cold water, i brush them with hot

  15. ...I always brush my teeth in hot water.

  16. maybe it feels really weird with hot water


  17. i brush my teeth with a toothbrush !

  18. I wouldnt fancy to put hot water from the tap in my mouth, you dont know whats in your water tank.

  19. I like it cold.

  20. hot water takes to long to heat up at my place and i'm to lazy to wait  

  21. i brush my teeth in warm water;


  22. i hate brushing my teeth with ice cold water

    its just painful to the teeth

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