
Why do we call it a flea market?

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Why do we call it a flea market?




  1. Va va va voom!    

    I like pears.

    I get excited when it rains.

    July follows June.

    I'm going to be in bed my midnight tonight.

  2. You can't buy ticks and bugs cheaper anywhere else.

  3. because the hobos that sell stuff thats been in their basement for 15 years have j/k  Flea market comes from the French marché aux puces, a name originally given to a market in Paris. The fleas were thought to be in the goods, because they were of the kind to attract vermin. The earliest English use dates from 1922

  4. It is a large, long-established outdoor bazaar, one of four in Paris. They earned their name from the flea-infested clothing and rags sold there. From the late 17th century, the makeshift open-air market in the town of Saint-Ouen began as temporary stalls and benches among the fields and market gardens where ragpickers exchanged their findings for a small sum.

  5. *tesco* was already taken

  6. Last weekend, my son asked my husband and I this Q. My husband replied because they sell items like blankets that have fleas on

  7. bcoz theyre usually full of smelly unhygienic scavs looking to pickpocket people

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