
Why do we care so much about whaling but not so much about other animals that are killed for food?

by Guest62147  |  earlier

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Why do we care so much about whaling but not so much about other animals that are killed for food?




  1. I think they are all tasty and plan to eat as many as possible.

  2. Some animals need to be hunted to maintain population and the proceeds from hunting license are used to help keep the habitat available for these animals.  As far as whaling goes the populations levels are low and there is no real need  to hunt them. The best thing is to let the levels increase naturally. To assume that hunters don't care about animals is not true, they want a healthy sustained population. I hunted for years and enjoyed it.  I have no longer hunt, but I do support those who do.

  3. The reason why that we don't care about the animal that are killed for food is because we have killed animals so long back we don't care. The reason why we care about whales is because it an endangered species and the animals we kill for food is not.

  4. Because whales are cute, and are (really) important to the ecological balance of ocean life.

    But mainly because there is no economic reason to kill whales.  Whale meat tastes god awful, and with petroleum the market for whale oil is about nil.

    On the other hand, beef is mighty tasty and buffalo is realllllllllllllly good.  (You have to try buffalo ... you can see why they were hunted to extinction, they are so good.)

    We raise chickens and fish, and no one really looks at a chicken except for how it might taste on a barbeque.

    Why people want to go to the trouble to kill whales is beyond me.  You have to work your a** off tracking a whale, harpooning it, dragging it on the ship, cutting it up ... and for what?  Economically speaking, zilch.

  5. I would be heart broken if all the whales were killed to extinction, or any animal.

    I think that is the main reason people don't like it.

  6. Because there are plenty of chickens, cows, pigs, fish.. etc... And they are more easy to reproduce, they are not on the endangered list..

    Whales dont reproduce fast. And at the rate its going at now, with all the whaling soon the whales will be endangered, and then extinct.. I dont want to see that happen.

  7. i agree with you.

    i love whales, hate the people who hurt them, and would be devestated if they became extinct.

    but i don't care as much about other animals.

    now that you've introduced your point of view, i feel horrible.

    maybe it's because other animals besides whales, like cows and chickens, can reproduce easier.

    but seriously, i kind of want to become a vegetarian now.

  8. Since other animal aren't endangered.

  9. because whales are endangered, deer aren't

  10. Hi Nat. I think it's because whales don't reproduce very fast. And humans are not in control of how much they reproduce. Animals for consumption are plentiful because we breed them for that purpose. We won't run out. I live in Minnesota, and deer hunting is so popular, that small town schools close during the season. But there are way too many deer here. If deer were rare and didn't reproduce often, then they too would be protected.

  11. I think it's a perception thing. Why were ppl outraged when there was a report that some products from China contained dog and cat fur and we are perfectly ok with dead cow skins, fox and mink furs, etc?  As a veg, I see it all as wrong.  However, whales could easily be extinct where pigs, cows, dogs, cats, deer populations are rather high.

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