
Why do we care what happens to the planet ?

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its not like we live forever anyway ?




  1. Well, with that attitude, you probably will be living less than you thought you would be (rapid climate change can be very rapid indeed if we're not careful - 150,000 p.a. are already directly attributable to GW)!

    As Amy says - it's mainly for the children; it would be incredibly selfish of anyone to think that so long as they had enough cake to eat, polar bears to see, clean water to drink, and 'my house wasn't under water' that it doesn't matter what happens to others.

    Sign of our times I guess.

    And, for some people, they care about how people think of them after they have gone but not all people think that (you, for example) so this may not be as relevant.

  2. Have you seen the  movie WALL-E?. . . if you haven't go watch it and you'll have your answer.

  3. Because we live on it! If it happens to go away so do we!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. It is very apparent that we don't really care or else we would not be using vehicles that cause pollution and that is just one example of our abuse to the environment.


  5. No, but you will live long enough to suffer, and greatly if this planet deteriorates any more than it has already. It is a matter of human decency that we do everything possible NOW to conserve, reuse, recycle and cut back on unnecessary trips and expenditures. Conservation of water, gas, with a goal toward using the least amount of natural gas and gasoline possible to get  a job done, or use none at all preferably should be the goal of every human being on the planet. We cannot control the planet, we can however, control ourselves.

    The oil industry both domestic and foreign is trying to kill us, from within, and because we are selfish (proof is in your question) we are going to be victimized and have no one to blame but ourselves. Ban the use of oil and gas whenever possible and make it possible often, if not for your sake, then for the sake of others.

  6. Maybe we won't live forever, but do you want to spend your life living in industrial sewage. As planets go, the day will come when this one shakes us off like a bad case of fleas. Until then, I'd like to see the Rockies without a brown haze.

  7. because your kids live on it their kids their kids THEIR KIDS!!!!!!!

  8. Because someday I will die and go to heaven and meet God. Then I will be able to say "Thanks for  all the blessing you gave me in my life, God -they were awesome especially that planet earth with all its amazing natural phenomenons like the way the sun gets really big on the horizon sometimes when it is setting and makes the mountains orange and pink and the way an eagle floats so slowly down to its nest that you think it isn't real and that bolt of lightening I saw that looked like a strip of bacon in the sky that time in the desert and the whale that flashed his tail for me, even the bear that scared us off from our camping trip and the hot sand under my feet and the cool grass I could lay in to look up at a beautiful blue that only you could create" but then I will have a deep need to give something to him in return as a "thank you", that's when I will tell him that I tried to take care of his gifts the best I could and tried help others realize that it's not all just about us humans.

  9. Yeah- we are selfish.  But the reason we care for the planet is because we're afraid of the idea of what would happen if "something went terribly wrong".  We tend to think about the future of ourselves or of life in general.  Not tending for the planet completely would show how lazy we are capable of being.

  10. Hello. True. We don't live forever. Just like 70 years or something. If we don't take care of our natural resources, what will happen to the next generation? Our sons? The sons of our sons? We care about it so that the next people who will be living on this planet will also enjoy what we enjoy now. If Your parents or Grandparents destroyed the forests, Seas and all the natural resources we wouldn't have anything left to see The Beauty Mother Earth has made. I hope this clarifies your question. Thank You.

  11. Is because we live in it moron

  12. If you have children you do "live forever."

    Two kids, one grandchild, so far.  I'm a very protective mother.  I want my kids to enjoy their lives.  They're young adults now and just hitting stride.  As for the 3 year old, we had a nice learning lesson on grasshoppers the other day.  I didn't use the word food chain but we talked about what they eat, and what eats them!

    So it's partly selfish -- I want to help take care of the planet so my family will enjoy a good life -- and partly because caring is the right thing to do.  I can't imagine not caring.  It just isn't in my nature. And hopefully, by enjoying all kinds of life lessons with the grandchild/children, I'll pass along my love of life and nature to them.

    I hope you have -- or find -- something, or someone, to care about.

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