
Why do we celebrate easter with eggs and bunnys?

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ya that's it...... wtf do bunnys and eggs have to do with anything tho i don't mind the candy




  1. Its a mixture of Christian heritage and German folk tale.

    Christians in earlier times used to fast during the time before Easter called Lent, they gave up meat, eggs and dairy produce - that the reason for pancakes on Shrove Tuesday (Mardi Gras). Its the last day before Lent so all the eggs were used up to make pancakes. Mardi Gras means Fat Tuesday (in French) - last feast before Lent.

    At Easter, it became traditional to give people a gift of an egg or eggs to symbolise the end of the fast and the start of the feast of Easter.

    The bunny comes from the German "Easter Hare" (not rabbit). Hares make nests in the open fields which look like some bird's nests. Hence the childhood myth that hares lay eggs.

    The stories about a pagan Goddess are all modern inventions, except for the name which crops up in one source writing long after Christianity was well established in Britain. He (Bede) writes that the name Easter was used in Britain after the month in which the festival usually fell and that the month in turn was named after a goddess. Modern historians doubt this because there is absolutely no mention of the goddess in any of the contemporary Anglo-Saxon religious texts, though plenty about their other deities.

    In most other countries in Europe, Easter has retained its original name based on the Jewsih Passover - Pascha (or variations of it). Easter's date is derived from the Passover, which is why its date changes, unlike pagan spring festivals which are usually held on the Spring Solstice  - which Easter NEVER is.

  2. The name Easter is not found in the Bible.

    The holiday is named after the pagan Goddess of the Dawn and of Spring, Eostre.” And who was this goddess? “Eostre it was who, according to the legend, opened the portals of Valhalla to receive Baldur, called the White God, because of his purity and also the Sun God, because his brow supplied light to mankind,” answers The American Book of Days. It adds: “There is no doubt that the Church in its early days adopted the old pagan customs and gave a Christian meaning to them. As the festival of Eostre was in celebration of the renewal of life in the spring it was easy to make it a celebration of the resurrection from the dead of Jesus, whose gospel they preached.”

    Nowhere in Scripture do we find mention of these things, nor is there any evidence that the early disciples of Jesus gave them any credence. In fact, the apostle Peter tells us to “form a longing for the unadulterated milk belonging to the word, that through it [we] may grow to salvation.” (1 Peter 2:2)

    To many, the fact that their church sanctioned these observances and treated them as holy is reason enough to accept them. A important question is being overlooked. How does God feel about these customs?

  3. Easter is a christianized version of old pagan spring celebrations, complete with the symbols and rituals.

  4. They symbolize new life.

  5. its supposed to be a religious sign but the bunny makes it look g*y

  6. Old Pagan fertility symbols.  

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