
Why do we complain to the people who don't need to work, and decide not to?

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My cousin, classic "rich kid" decides not to work. Everybody b*****s at him for it, saying he's just spoiled. But really, working requires HIS TIME, and HIS EFFORT, two things that could go to HIM, and while it may seem selfish, he chose to use the two to benefit himself, to boost his own happiness while ignoring society's expectations. Which are built around preservation of the society itself. Anyway, why do people get so pissy whenever someone decides that their time is better spent improving their own lives rather than working for some company, or building more companies, and thus using their own time for the greater good. Wouldn't you do the same? h**l, I know I would... Live a life of no worries, no frustration, no obligations, no responsibilities whatsoever. Sounds like heaven on earth.




  1. That's what separates the rich from the poor....

    I think you've gained a first useful lesson.  

  2. Jealousy. That's the reason so many people hate Paris. They are chained to the 9-5 and need to feel better about themselves so they criticize the rich instead of the real problems with our society.

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