
Why do we continue to buy Chinese goods, I mean bads.?

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Have you ever tried to go shopping for something that wasn't made in china? It's impossible to get most things on your list. Everytime and all the time when something breaks I'm constantly reminded by that golden little oval sticker with the black lettering "Made In China". Everytime my wrench snaps in half and hits me in the forhead I have "China" stamped where it hit.(not really) But why can't we have the option anymore to buy something that was actually made in our home country? h**l I'd even love to see products being sold here that were made in mexico rather than china; that might even help out with the issues of a lot of illegals entering our country, because now they have a job down in their home country. Mexico is our neighbor after all, is it terribly wrong to give our business to them rather than to a country with crappy and at times dangerous goods halfway around the world?




  1. Its the same reason places like WalMart are so overwhelmingly popular.  Price is ALWAYS the bottom line with the majority of Americans.  buying products at a cheaper price means you can simply buy more products and appear more sucessful (doent matter if that DvD player you bought is a cheap piece of c**p, you have one!).  Buying cheaper common items also allows you to more easily afford more expensive luxury items like a SUV or 80" flatscreen

    Really, who is suprised that crappy stuff comes from China?  The majority of the goods they produce in a lot of these factories are coming strait here and only here.  America is a 100% consumer economy.  People are not satisfied with having what they need, they are never satisfied and want more more more.  China is trying to meet that demand at a pace they cannot keep up with using their 1 billion available people so they cut corners, use cheaper materials etc to cut the cost and sell more

  2. We have no option, Nixon did a great job (for the chinese),the American industry, (remember made in USA?) is gone, looks like forever.

  3. There is a very useful sight named  Just look up a American made product you wish to buy and it will provide you with the names of U.S.A. manufacturers who produce the product you are looking for.  The sight also states that there are 293 million people in the U.S.A., and if every one spent $20.00 a month on American made products, it would create 5 million new jobs in U.S.A.

  4. Cheap.  That used to be Japan, and Korea.  Now China, India, Malaysia.  Price outweighs everything else.  Not saying that should be happening, but the Chinese are competent workers.  It's really a question of whether the abuse by the executives running the companies continues.  At some point, it would be too much and the losses from the recalls would more likely cause the stop than consumer-level buying.

  5. Free market systems/global economy have been embraced by many governments.  This allows developing nations to exploit cost advantages--lower wages, substandard working conditions, environmental impacts--and sell goods at lower prices.  In the long run this is temporary because as nations climb the ladder of development, their costs will increase.  Furthermore, as energy costs increase the cost of transporting these goods will shift the competitive advantage in the direction of domestically manufactured goods.

    Unfortunately, it will probably take a long time, as countries/companies are driven to exploit these advantages as long as possible.

  6. stupidity and braindedness

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