
Why do we dislike the crow ? why do we consider it a bird of bad omen?

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Why do we dislike the crow ? why do we consider it a bird of bad omen?




  1. These are myths that uneducated people believe in.

    Seriously, do you really believe in that ?

  2. our prophet Muhammed order us not to concider any bird as a bad omen.. since i known that i looked differtly at the crow..

    لا تفاؤل ولا تشاؤم من الطير

  3. Damage to crops back in the day. They're not hurting anybody any more.

  4. Probably because there is very little information on the animal. Steve Irwin better known as the crocodile hunter spent his life with crocodiles to help people better understand them so they would most like stop killing them. It goes the same for the crow. I have never seen one program on the bird and just like many things we don't like what we don't understand.

  5. Did you know they're just like a Raven? The only difference is how they walk? One of the hops the other walks. I don't remember which is which, though, cuz they're so confusing, I think the crow hops. Anyway, other countries a crow is a GOOD omen. People and cultures are weird. I thnk that the crop damage (was that you quixotic?) is a good answer.


  7. I don't dislike crows.  They cannot help being born crows anymore than you can being human.

    Farmers hate them for good reason but it's belief in the supernatural (like Santa Clause and ghosts) that give crows and ravens a bad aire


  8. i dont like when it crows it a horrible sound, i like the sound the Robbin makes  

  9. Crop damage is the main reason they are considered pests.

  10. There are a couple reasons people dislike crows, but it's not because they're considered a 'bird of bad omen.' One reason is that they eat the crop (corn) and vegetables out of gardens. Another is that they're considered bad luck---if that's what you mean by bad omen, please forgive me, I have completely forgotten what omen means; my mind has gone blank---which was a spiritual thing started in the olden days, probably because of their colour (black).

    I hope I helped.

    -Claire :)

  11. Its ugly

  12. I think its in our culture for many reasons....

    One is religious... when Kabeel learned how to bury his brothers body from watching a crow doing the same.

    The other is old folk tales... the crow likes to steel anything that shines and brings it to his nest, may that be a piece of gold or a piece of tin.. we even have that famous idiom (yamma gab el ghorab lommo) which roughly means the crow brings in a lot of rubbish to his nest. But it drove people crazy that it stole from them.

    Lastly, his black color and the shine in his feathers along with that sharp sound... doesn't add to its charm. You know how people associate the color black to bad feelings... we wear it in funerals and some are even superstitious of black cats (though i really love cats of all shapes sizes and colors) except Hameed's sphinx cat, that was eerie.

    An Alexandrian friend of mine was walking with me one day when suddenly she said "yasater na32 3alena ghorab" i didn't understand what it meant so she explained that it is bad luck when u hear the voice of the poor bird. Off course she was wrong it turned out to be a beautiful day.

    Finally, in the Quran it says (ta2erkoum ma3akoum) which means our pessimism, ill feelings or bad luck is what we make it.... there is no such thing and we should always think positively and be optimistic.

  13. Some say it contains bad luck or souls or bad souls or something....

  14. i'm sure it has something too do with an old wives tale or something. i mainly think because these days ever horror move uses them as a bad omen. its probably some old superstition. or maybe just because they're so darn mean.

  15. because we had some legends from Western culture tells bad story about the crow and he will be the anti crist.

    in our culture we had no problem with the crow.

    all that we know about crow that he is teaching Qabeel to bury Habeel after the Killing accedent

  16. cz its black

    and its not a reason to make us feel pessimistic

    and its a creature God has made , we should appreciate that :)

    it owont bring any bad luck

    bad pessimistc ppl r sensitive  


  17. I don't hate crows, but their voices is not wonderful like all the other birds,

    Also because it's black , many people think he is bad bird or evil creature, also sometimes they use parts of the crow in black magic, also they use frogs parts and bats.

    But there are many thing which are really great in Crow's society, for example, crows are all well related to each other , and support each other , they are also very smart birds.

    @ Hope , wala miss u , and miss ur great answers, welcome back.

  18. people give anything thats not "pretty" a bad rep.

  19. What you talking about?  I LOVE crows!  They're super-awesome!

  20. Ok i dont dislike the crow personally.

  21. I think crows are cool. They are so very intelligent and beautiful too. I like to watch them when they fly around our neighborhood.

    There are a lot of superstitions about crows and owls. My grandfather was terrified of owls because he thought they were harbingers of death. Crows too, are thought to be death's messenger.

    Check out youtube. There are some amazing crow videos on there. They can even learn to talk.

  22. Well, it has something to do with the story of habeel and qabeel, the two sons of Adam (pbbuh), it was a crow which buried the body of another dead crow, and that is how Qabeel learned how to bury his brother's body.

    So maybe the crow became a symbol of grief and death.

  23. i'm not sure the historical significance

    but i can tell you this, those birds are destructive, smart and LOUD!

    they are a total pain inthe butt

    some of them get really really big

  24. Hi,

    Alot of it comes down to old / new scary movies when ever something bad happens there are always crows there, also as one answer had said damages to the crops, they are scavengers.


    Minny :-)

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