
Why do we do what we do?

by Guest44885  |  earlier

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Why do we lie? Why do we cry over problems we have made for ourselves? Why when we are fund out in a lie it's time to go an not before we start hiding the truth? I find at this point in my life I am asking why like a 100 times a day or more because of things done to me in the last few years an I found out the truth about all the lies that were told to me. You know people say your crazey when you say to them I know theres something wrong I feel it. Well God didnt give us the knowing for no reason, it's there to help protect us but what will help the pain after the knowing is confirmed. How do we do what we do and live wih ourselves everyday?




  1. You are asking the wrong question - it is not about "why" but it is about "so how do I react to this"? You can't change what others do - you can only change your own reactions.

    Rather than being angry, what have you learned, how have you grown, what will you do differently next time? try those questions instead.

  2. thats deep.

    We lie 2 keep every thing on a even level even flow-to minimize the problem.We cry tomake people feel sorry 4 us or we feel like we r failing life.

    We have come to the conclusion that life is the way it is and we cant change it.We do things because every one else does.If you feel pain before it happens ur not crazy. Listen 2 ur heart. Follow wut ur god says 2 u not wut everyone else says. You are a speacial human being and u r here for answers. Ur jst more alert then everyone else and you feel the need to spend each day exploring ur mind.I dont know how u feel but i have a very close idea.Dont change.

  3. because its our human nature

  4. the only answer i have is that we feel guilty and let down by what we do at points and we have the instinct that if you are lied to you learn to lie to others same with anything

  5. Because we have free will. Our minds our programmed so that we can do whatever it i we want. We're simply human, human nature is pitiful. I've asked myself this same question a lot, everyone does at some point in their lives. Keep an open mind to what is there and don't base everything upon god. I myself don't believe in him, I'm an agnostic, I don't know and neither does anyone else. I'm not saying don't believe in him, that's your choice, but what I am saying is to keep an open mind to what is happening around you, you'll find the answer in time.

  6. i think we lie to cover up truths that are too unbearable to speak of.  

    Germany isn't even allowed to speak of the holocaust because of the truth of what happened.  Not speaking at all is the same as lying.

    On the other hand I think that some immature people lie because when they were young they became bored with their parents.  Kids often try to manipulate their parents by lying and making stuff up.  If they get away with it they learn the skills of a good liar.  This is a very bad trait but is beneficial to the liar.  People lie because they haven't had a reason to tell the truth.  

    Our society is rotting with problems right now.  I don't have an answer to how people can live with themselves these days.  I look at life as a chance to peel off the layers of myself to get down to the basics of good nature.  Be true to yourself and get to know and accept yourself.  Beneath all the bad outside you can find the good within yourself.

  7. That's how the world is , we do the best we can in order to survive. We live in a world where you can trust only a few amount of people . You can tell the truth and be nice and kind but you will be run over by a lot of people and that route is really hard . You keep the people in your life that really matter and live the best way you can .

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