
Why do we drink Alcohol, although we know that it has a lot of bad effects on our Body and health?

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I have ask it a lot of times from the people who drinks alcohol if you have any answer tell me?




  1. yes, we drink alcohol have bad in lungs you do not drink alcohol

  2. Why do we drink alcohol? simply because we love the taste and the feeling when drunk. it seems like we were on our highest energy level. others drink for them to forget their problems, and be happy for some time. it is like a rest or relaxation in our busy brains, thinking about different things. and having bad effects on our health is better than to be crazy in thinking about our problems, sometimes we need rest, so to all drinkers... CHEERS! =]

  3. Cos it's great fun.

  4. that's like asking, why do people smoke cigarettes/weed? or why do people do drugs? or why do people eat doughnuts? all the most best things in life are either fattening, illegal or just bad for you in general. But we still do them and eat them. Why? Because sometimes life is really crappy and we want something to distract our minds from that fact. Or help make it better.

    And alcohol isnt damaging if you have it in a controlled, descent amount.

    But people who drink it excessively and get the damaging effects of it, usually aren't ever sober enough to think about it, or care about it, or need it so bad to the point where they could care less about what the effects are cause the addiction took over their mind so badly.

    Take everything in moderation.

    Too much of anything is bad.

  5. Its mainly by peer preasure that we first bhave a bit. But alcherhol is a drug and you easily get addicted to it. People know that its bad for them but they cannot see the visibal effects to themselves so they think that they will be OK

  6. Because it's fun =D so...why not? It's kind of like why do people eat bad food when they get fat and die? Cos it tastes good. We do what we need to fulfill our desires, and think about the consequences later..its in our nature

  7. Ten points to Brian.

    Overindulgence in food has done far more damage than overindulgence in alcohol.

    Alcohol gives us the added benefit of calm in the face of sermons thinly disguised as yahoo questions.  They should be in the Religion category....except for the fact that the Bible teaches alcoholic beverages are a blessing and "warm the hearts of both God and man."

  8. Because you are misinformed.

    Alcohol in ,oderation has many health benefits. Lets take beer for example...a little unfair of me to do since it is the healthest of all alcoholic beverages, but it is my favorite.

    -Increased circulatory health

    -Beer is high in protein

    -Wine and dark beers are high in copper, iron,zinc, phosphorus, magnesium and other minerals.

    -Most beers and wines are high in vitamins vitamins especially B1, B2, B3, B6 and H.

    -Many stouts are high in lactic acid and essential nutrient for breastfeeding mothers.

    -Both wine and beer are extremely good sources of antioxidants, beer have simpler antioxidant (called xanthohumol) that are better for the body.

    -A 2005 study in Japan showed that low ABV beer is an effect cancer fighter.

    -Alcohol is a natural antibiotic.

    -Hops have been shown to improve brain activity.

    -Malt is good for your complexion.

    -When used in moderation it is an excellent source for your daily water requirements.

    -Beer is high in folic acid.

    -Beer is high in niacin.

    -Beer is low in sodium.

    -It contains no fat.

    -Hops have been used to help with anxiety, insomnia, nervousness, and to sooth the stomach.

    -Experiments have also documented the usage of hops with nursing mothers and its increase of breast milk and the sedation of irritable infants through its passage in the mother’s milk.

    -Beer does not make you fat. The over-consumption of beer makes you fat. On average, beer contains less than 140 calories per 12 oz glass.

    -Beer is low in sugar.

    -Beer is high in fiber.

    For future reference...just because the mass media tells you something, it doesn't make it true.

    Now myself...I drink premium craft beer because I love the taste. So complex, so varied from brewer to brewer. I'm not talking about mass produced lagers mind you. I mean hand crafted microbrews and traditionally crafted imports.

  9. Alcohol in moderation has very few major negative effects and several positive ones.

    The fact that it can be abused or misused doesn't make it inherently evil.

  10. we drink it because it can get our problems out and we don't notice that something bad is coming out from us because we are already drunk...

  11. For the same reason we drive cars that pollute our world, smoke cigarettes that rot our insides, do adrenaline fueled activities that could easily result in death.

    Because many people enjoy doing it. Also, alcohol in moderation doesn't harm your body. It's each persons own choice as to how much they drink!

  12. It tastes good.  

    It makes you feel good (to a point).

    It helps ugly and fat people get laid.

  13. 2-3 glasses of wine a day are great for health as our 2 beers a day. However, the main reason I drink is beacuse I like it!

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