
Why do we drive ourselves crazy looking for and seeing double standards?

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Double standards are everywhere around us and apply to every group. Why do we drive ourselves crazy pointing out the fact that on some level society recognizes differences in people?




  1. And how exactly to you solve a problem without first identifying it?

    First step, to admit that the problem exist. The second is finding a way to solve it. The third is solving it. The 4th is reviewing to see that everything is ok and nothing is broken because of the solution.

    No problem can be solve without taking the first step. So it double standards are not identified, they will never cease to exist.

  2. People that partake in that are in a viscous circle - hopscotch's recent question is a great example. He's talking about how it's unfair that women sterotypes (like being good at multitasking) aren't frowned upoon but saying that men are good at something is. But that is a double standard in itself because he fails to mention all the negative sterotypes for women.

    Why not just forget about all the rubbish, people will be arrogant and ignorant and believe what they want to be. You can't get through to someone that ios prejudice or just wants to argue and cloes their minds.

  3. Its the old do as I say not do as I do thing....

    same as why do people gossip?

    it makes them feel more important....

    not worth losing sleep over... petty people wont much as we wished they would...

  4. Not all of us do.  Such things rarely bother me.

    Of course, I'm on so much pain medication right now I couldn't tell a double standard from a quadratic equation!

  5. I get extreme pleasure hunting down double standards.

  6. Its a great question...and I wonder that all the time.  People DO drive themselves crazy, LOOKING for examples of double standards and discrimination.  And we all know that if we look for something, we will surely find it.

    People need to focus on their own objectives and move towards them in spite of the existing obstacles.  What I see, everyday, are the people focussing on the injustice of those obstacles, and they never get further along in their journey to achieve their objective.  The most successful people I know NEVER law blame or make excuses...they forge ahead and move around those things in their way...

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