
Why do we eat?

by Guest64547  |  earlier

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do we just eat for fun




  1. No we eat to keep our body healthy and full of nutrients we need to survive and maintain a normal life. And not be all messed up.And well to survive without certain foods. our bodys would shut down not function.

  2. God I can't wait for school to start back

  3. we need to eat for energy

    without food we wouldnt get any nutrients

    and without nurtients or food we'd die

  4. ummm for our survival???

  5. no cuz were hungry and food is are  energy, wow ur dumb, go to school. =]

  6. We eat to fuel our body for the necessary functions that help us alive.

  7. for energy to work live can grind it up for an send it down a tube for you but that wouldnt be any fun.

  8. no we eat to survive and we need fuel in ourselves just like a car needs fuel to run.

  9. to keep us going and not run out of energy for nourishment to survive  cant think of many more but i am sure there are lol hope this helped =)

  10. because were hungry..................

  11. I eat to live

    I live to eat

  12. We eat for sugars of all types to give our body energy, for proteins (amino acids) so we can grow and just because its plain fun

  13. live to eqat and eat to live


    answer mine please;...

  15. no our bodies will deteriorate and we will die without regular consumption of proteins and vitamins.  There are other species that just eat because we are bored though.  Or for fun.....

  16. Have you not taken biology class yet? We eat food to get energy/sugar out of it.. the more proper word is glucose. We need glucose and energy for our body to perform vital functions, like breathing, your heart pumping, even thinking. That's why your thinking might get kind of hazy if you haven't eaten.

  17. "In general terms, eating (formally, ingestion) is the process of consuming food to provide for the nutritional needs of an animal, particularly their energy requirements and to grow. All animals must eat other organisms in order to survive: carnivores eat other animals, herbivores eat plants, and omnivores consume a mixture of both; see feeding.

    While the process of eating varies from species to species, in humans eating is performed by placing food in the mouth, chewing and then swallowing it. Eaten food is then digested."

  18. Stupid question!

  19. Loll. Think of it like car, you have to fill it up with petrol for it to work. It can't run on air.

  20. to live girl!

    what you talking bout??

  21. We have to eat to survive!

  22. and for nourishment ...

  23. eating food delivers necessary vitamins and energy our body needs to function properly.

  24. The same reason you put petrol in the gas tank, FOOD IS YOUR FUEL.

    Don't they teach ANYTHING about biology anymore?

  25. we eat to get protien to our cells. And to get enrgy to do everyday activities. If we didnt eat then we would die.

  26. Because that's the way God intended us to be!.

  27. Some love to eat, while others eat to live.

    From an evolutionary point of view, I don't know how the first humanoid figured out that sticking things in their mouth would ease hunger pains.

  28. we eat for calories and nutrients and vitamins so we have energy to survive.

    i seriously hope you are under the age of 12 to be asking this.

  29. we eat to stay alive duh lol

  30. Because  we,d get sooo hungryy and die!!

  31. because are body requires fuel......
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