
Why do we eat rice on every meal?

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i'm just curious, why do we eat rice on every meal we filipinos? we eat rice on breakfast,lunch,&dinner. i don't know why but i can't eat "ulam" without rice. it just doesn't taste good with out it.




  1. its also the same with other countries, if the Westerners eat bread or plain viand for every meal, we Filipinos prefer rice to go with the viand instead of bread. it is our staple food and it is abundant in Asia.

  2. rice is a good food staple,and it tastes good! in america potatoes are our staple food,potatoes just like rice compliments most dishes and never gets mundane

  3. its ingrained in our culture and in our psyche.

    For as long as you can remember, you have been eating rice alongside your favorite dishes and everyday meals. You can relate feelings of fullness and satisfaction with eating rice.

    But it doesn't mean you can't live without it. You can try other cuisines and you might discover it can also be as filling.

  4. Its not just Filipinos who do that. Since in Asia, especially in Southeast Asia, our main produce is rice (use to for the Philippines).

    Eating viand with rice is what we are accustomed of doing. I experience rice deprivation when I went to Europe. I was excited to have rice but when I got back to Tokyo, its like my throat is blocking the rice when I swallow it. I settled not having rice for a month more before I can eat it again...and MAN, its heaven!=D

  5. we've been eating rice eversince time immemorial.

    ok, its like this.....we Filipinos are very hardworking people, especially our ancestors take note of that..ok.

    breakfast: its a necessity to have a heavy breakfast for the day ahead, so no problem, eat rice..they can eat as much chicken as they want, but chicken is too costly, so fill up on rice.

    lunch: this has something to do with blood sugar level. after four to five hours under the sun  whipping the old carabao, plowing earth, cutting grass, energy level is virtually zero, our body is actually consuming itself. when they sit down to lunch, what is their body craving for??? sugar right? what is rice, carbo right? carbo is sugar. so nothing taste better than rice, esp. with the native fish paste ( bagoong)

    dinner: same thing as lunch. but not too much.

  6. Because its relatively cheap,available and is easy to cook.  

  7. Try to convince other people as you can not to eat rice so that rice demands in the world will decreased, rice at this generation it is too demanding coz of increasing people eating rice.

    Don’t eat rice coz we are eating, ok….

  8. I don't think any group of people ou there eat their ulam without a source of carbohydrates on the side.

    The westerners eat potatos with their steaks and the europeans eat potatos and bread with their ulams.

    We eat what grows on our backyard. Wheat is easier to grow in some countries, in ours it's ricve that easier to grow.

  9. because philippine is a rice-growing country, like almost asian country, it's not only in the philippines but also in south america (latin america) like ecuador, peru, bolivia and etc.., they also eat rice 3 times a day and they prefer to than potatoes or bread...

  10. Rice has carbohydrate etc. it gives energy for u....  

  11. Plus it just taste d**n good... especially Mexican style rice -- is bomb.

  12. Rice is our staple food - similar to potatoes for Americans.

  13. it's our staple...

  14. Rice is pretty much Asia's staple food. In Thailand we pretty much eat rice with every meal as well, that's because we grow it and there's plenty to go around. :)

  15. We eat rice every meal because we are a rice-growing country. Everywhere in the world, people eat what is grown locally. In our case, we have rice and our stomachs are used to it.

  16. we have gotten used to it.

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