
Why do we exist? Is there a reason or just coz?

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I believe we live to die.




  1. i believe dat we exist becoz we had to do something or mission.. after we finish dat mission we die..

  2. My belief is that we are born an live to either learn lessons to help us evolve spiritually, or to facilitate the learning of others. Probably both at the same time.  

  3. To procreate.   They say that we all have a mission in life.  Guess mine is to worry about my kids....Mission Impossible to stop!

  4. we exist because of the big bang. however some people were born so that they can help others. everyone has a purpose in life!

  5. We exist because we evolved and became human.  We exist because humans reproduce.

    There is nothing supernatural about it.

    We are because we are.

    And, yes, we do live and die, but I believe while we're here we might as well get on with it.  Whatever it is.

  6. I exist to put a smile on God's face.  It's up to you to find the reason for your own existence.

  7. Humans exist to further their own species. As do every other living thing on Earth. We are born with the means, knowledge and impulse to reproduce, and some species die immediately afterwards.

    That is why we are born.

    This, of course, doesn't matter to us. We have conscious thought, and can therefore make our own decisions about what we do with our lives, so live it up!

    Edit - Everyone else is wrong.

  8. I heard once, from a pretty smart academic type of person, that the purpose of life "is to promote gene benefit."  In other words, just as plants take advantage of animals and people to spread their seeds through the ingestion of its fruits or vegetables and defecating its seeds elsewhere,   genes take advantage of life itself, that is, any/all biological organisms have genes and use s*x, emotions, etc. to mix with some other host's genes to improve them. For example, we seek out sexual partners who are the "best" (best looking, healthiest, etc.) that are willing to mate with us. You are attempting to improve your gene profile when doing this.

  9. If the Evolutionists have their way then we are all here by accident, and we might as well just top ourselves right now.

  10. It is a random universe to which we bring meaning.

    Atheists, conscientious objectors of the truth show an uncommon lack of imagination.

  11. we exist because our existence is 'given'

  12. i think your right when you say we live, we die, but also i find it hard to believe that life and everything in existance came about by accident, something had to trigger it all, maybe we'll never know, maybe we're so insuggnificent we aren't suppose to know.

  13. Because we were born to exist.

    We live to spread and prosper then die.

  14. I think it's completely random.  But even the randomness of it is miraculous!  Think about all the circumstances that led my parents to have me.  If you looked back just a few generations, it's mind boggling.  Like, we each have 4 grandparents, 8 great grandparents, 16 great greats, 32 great great great, 64 great great great great and so on, and all of those people had to do just what they did to meet one another, and have a baby that had a baby, and met someone, and so on, and if anything had differed, even just a little, I would never have been born.

    That being marveled at aside, I don't think there's any reason.  We just are.

  15. The reason we exist is because life exists and we evolved into us and we just exist. I don't see that there is any purpose of us living, except to help balance out the food chain, which wouldn't need to be balanced if nothing existed. Oh well it's fun to exist. Also people set themselves goals and targets and to them, that is probably the reason THEY exist. So probably it is different for each person.

  16. Not for ourselves, but for one another. This is what great thinkers have taught, whether it was Thomas Merton (more than 30 years ago) or Marcus Aurelius (over 2,000 years ago). However, you don't have to be a great thinker to realize this. Common sense is all that is necessary. After all, the fact that we are social animals is self-evident. We would not exist if it were not for the cooperation of two individuals (our parents). So, you see, we need one another.

    Have you ever wondered why Canada geese fly in a "V" formation? Well, as each bird flaps its wings, it creates an uplift for the bird that follows. The uplift (somewhat like the slipstream of an airplane's propeller) allows the group of geese to fly 70% more efficiently than a lone goose. But isn't it more tiring for the lead bird(s)? Yes, it is, so they regularly change their positions during their flight. So, geese, too, do not exist for themselves, but for one another. By watching them, we can learn the importance of cooperation.

    Not only in the animal world, but in the very building blocks of nature, we find teamwork, for protons, neutrons, and electrons join to form atoms. Atoms work together to create molecules. Molecules, in turn, make compounds, and so on up the chain. The web of existence seems to be based on cooperation. Or, as Preston Bradley wrote, "The world basically and fundamentally is constituted on the basis of harmony. Everything works in cooperation with something else." Our atoms, molecules, and genes are pulsating with cooperation; aware of it or not, it's part of our nature.

    Cooperation, working together, or teamwork is the source of great power and creativity. In the past, businesses considered one another as rivals. Today, they form strategic alliances and benefit from the power that cooperation brings. In the arts, cooperation is the source of awe-inspiring beauty. Great works of music, such as Johann Sebastian Bach's, "Brandenburg Concerto," for example, could come to life only because of the cooperation of artisans who made the musical instruments, music schools, composers, musicians, conductors, concert halls, patrons of the arts, and audiences.

    Athletes epitomize the value of teamwork. That's why one said, "If you want to be incrementally better: Be competitive. If you want to be exponentially better: Be cooperative." Social clubs and business associations are other examples how members can gain power by working together. Also, governments form alliances and corporations merge to harvest the advantages of cooperation. And, of course, activists unit to bring about social or political change.

    It's clear, then, we were made to cooperate and it is to our advantage to do so. If it's so clear, however, why is there more office politics than harmony in many workplaces? Why so many divorces? Why so much violence and crime? Why are we experiencing road rage? Perhaps we've forgotten about the benefits and value of cooperation. It may be time to refresh our memory, don't you think?

    A young Buddhist initiate asked his mentor to describe h**l. "Ah, h**l," the monk said, "it is like a large banquet hall with countless rows of tables laden with sumptuous meals and delicious drinks." "But Teacher," the surprised initiate said, "I thought those in h**l would suffer." "Oh, they do." answered the monk. "You see, there are four-foot long chopsticks permanently attached to their hands. Although they can pick up the food, the length of the chopsticks makes it impossible to reach their mouths."

    "That's horrible. Teacher, tell me about heaven." the initiate pleaded. "Ah, heaven," the monk sighed, "it is like a large banquet hall with countless rows of tables laden with sumptuous meals and delicious drinks, and permanently attached to everyone's hands are four-foot long chopsticks." "But Teacher, isn't that the same as h**l?" the initiate stuttered. "No," the monk replied, "the people are different. Although they cannot feed themselves, they feed each other!"

    The point of story is that we create our own suffering by refusing to cooperate with others. When we work together, we not only succeed, but we do so with a clear conscience. It is always better to succeed without stepping on others or stabbing them in the back.

    A point to remember is that cooperation means more than merely working together. It means creating a win-win situation so everyone benefits and there are no losers. Or, as Euripides wrote about 400 years before the birth of Christ, "Joint undertakings stand a better chance when they benefit both sides." When we approach cooperation in this way, we will be sure to experience the rewards.

    The rewards are many, for as Charles Dudley said, "It is one of the beautiful compensations of this life that no one can sincerely try to help another without helping himself." There is more than help involved; there is also transformation. Carl Jung explained it as follows, "The meeting of two personalities is like the  

  17. Here is my philosophy : I believe we exist for a purpose God planned for us. Without God, life has no purpose, and without purpose, life has no meaning. So we exist and live for God's purpose.

    “For everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible and invisible,… everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him.” Colossians 1 :16b

    “It’s in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for. Long before we first heard of Christ and got our hopes up, he had his eye on us, had design on us for glorious living, part of the overall purpose he is working out in everything and everyone.” Ephesians 1: 11

    Its not all about us, and focusing on ourselves will never reveal our life’s purpose since we didn’t create ourselves, so it is impossible for us to tell what we are created for or why we exist! God had created everyone for a purpose. And so we should turn to God’s word, the bible and gain a relationship with God to discover our identity and purpose. God planned everything before we existed. And we don’t choose our purpose. Also, the purpose of our lives fits into a larger purpose that God designed for eternity.

  18. We all exist to live a life here on earth once we have been born. The purpose of life is a life of purpose and we all have some kind of purpose for being here. However, i notice you have put the word "exist", which is slightly different from living. We exist on a daily basis, going about our daily routines, but to really live, is to feel that you have achieved something or other. To sum up, yes, there is definately a reason why we are here and not just coz...

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