
Why do we fail to see that we are destroying ourselves?? isnt that the issue of the century???!!!!!!?

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Why do we fail to see that we are destroying ourselves?? isnt that the issue of the century???!!!!!!?




  1. What is the issue of the century? Nuclear or G W Bush or what.

  2. not only are we destroying ourselves, we are destroying everyone and everything else first. western society is essentially to blame, many more traditional societies which we may see as backward i.e. Nepal, have none of our modern problems i.e. chavs and obesity (normally one and the same). Obviously Nepal’s got its own problems, but there ethics are about right.

  3. What do you mean we pale face!

  4. A poem by Omar Khyam,

    The candle burns at both ends,

    It gives a lovely light,

    But Oh my friends, and Oh my foes,

    It will not last the night.

    As long as people live for the moment they don't care what happens later on

  5. It is not human nature to look too far into the future. And for those that have, there is disagreement on how much of a crisis it is. Assuming there are measures that need to be taken, they are not popular with the people in power to order them. They fear it would cost them more votes than it would win. A place to start would be to take a poll of how many want real action. Send me the results....


  7. Very few people have the foresight to see what lies directly in front of them.  Most people get caught in the trappings of modern western society such as career, relationships, breeding, kids, bills and so forth.  Once they've committed themselves to those things very few people have the courage to contradict their existence by taking an alternate stand.  But then only 13% of Americans living today, including those who were drafted for WWII, Korea and Vietnam, had the courage to serve their nation in a forward deployed combat position so courage is an unlikely character trait to find in America.

  8. When two or more people get together Ego and greed take control. These are the great destroyers.

  9. Conversation between me and my Physics teacher when I was 14.

    In front of the class handing our homework out.

    "What is this garbage"

    No reply from me.

    "You were asked to think of an alternative energy resource"

    "I did"

    "Trapping gravity in cardboard boxes thats just stupid"

    "People said the same thing about the earth being round"

    "Do you know we are on the verge of an energy crisis don't you care"

    "Not really I will be dead before we run out of fossil fuels"

    "If people all thought like you we would still be living in caves"

    "I guess we wouldn't have this energy problem then would we"

    She slapped me at that point (that was ok then) Personally I only wound her up cos I fancied her and she looked really hot when she was angry. I appologised to her at the end of the lesson at she apologised to and said to be honest you have a point.

  10. Who says we are?? What did the dinosaurs do to start the ice age??? I really do think it's just part of Mother Nature's plan.

  11. Greed.................simple as that.

  12. Folks like you have been screaming that since the dawn of human culture...and they will continue to do so until the end.  (Which, by the way, will be many tens of thousands or even millions of years from now.)

  13. No, the issue of the century will be when News Week publishes photos of life found on Pluto.

  14. No one cares just so long as they get what they want now. tomorrow is for someone else to deal with .

    i agree with you its is shear stupidity

  15. I agree, people need to have less fat and more fiber in their diets!!!

  16. Inbred masochistic tendencies of Homo Erectus with blinkers on

  17. Let's just put this in with the useless "Why can't we all just get along" questions!

  18. Not sure what you're getting at, Skipper.  I know I'm not destroying myself, but if you feel you are, ya better do something about it.

  19. If anything, we're destroying the environment.

  20. we dont fail to see its just that well theres big fat pay packet floating about the people at the top arnt that interested in saving the planet even on the lower levels it wouldnt be impossible for the goverment to give grants out for farmers and growers to get them back organic. but they wont coz theys to many pockets being lined at the top and the pollution thats another no no why because the directers that arnt lining goverment pockets are in goverment .but its left to the general public we are being led to beleive we are doing our bit and that is exactaly wot it is a bit .

  21. Man has neglected nature that provides us with food and shelter.  Global warming is the sure predicament if we will continue to abuse nature.  Do not destroy nature so that we will survive.

  22. Alot can see it, but choose to deny it. Its easier to pretend and live in a false materialistic reality for most people.

    (After all if people wanted to see the real issues then celebrity mags wouldn't be so d**n popular.)

  23. Beats me my pet.  Even the thought of building nuclear power is absolutely crazy as one of those will destroy earth as we know it.  Actually, there are so many nutters governing us it would not surprise me.  How can our government go in to Iraq but let Mugabe starve his country.  The mind boggles at the whole hypocrisy of so called politics.  I agree with you well asked.

  24. You can't say that.  Not everyone fails to see what is going on. You can't generalise like that.


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