
Why do we find it so easy to make a mess but so hard to clean up?

by  |  earlier

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Shouldn't nature have it the other way around? Perhaps then we'd all be in a better shape.




  1. beacuse when we make a mess we have fun and dont realise.but when we clean up we either have been asked to or choose to

  2. Leave nature out of this. Entropy concerns objects and forms of life left to themselves. We make a mess during the course of things, and it would be very unreasonable indeed to expect nature to do the cleaning up for us.

  3. OMG i have exactly the same problem. =S

    It takes me ages to clean my room but only a matter of minutes for it to be messy again!!

    Yea i wish it was the other way round too!! =D

  4. Entropy.

  5. I have been asking my children this question for years!


  6. if its the other way 'round then we'd be more careless of what we will do.Ü

  7. because thats the way it is, we'll just hav to live with it ..

    also depends on what kinda person u are, im pretty tidy :D

  8. When you actively decide to clean up that mess, it means being aware of the fact that you f**ked up and taking responsilbilty for your mistakes. In case you have'nt noticed everyone is so busy blaming each other that they move from one mess to another. Taking responsibility means admitting weakness and man cannot do that.

  9. but thats just the way life is. nothing anybody can really do about it no matter how much we discuss or moan about it

  10. Hey I think it is hard to clean up because we first have to admit that we made a mistake and that is very hard indeed! I think to myself that we all make mistakes that is unavoidable but its how we deal with those mistakes that count. Also I think we learn 10 times as much from our mistakes then we do from doing things right. I hope this helps you :) x

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