
Why do we find it very easy to answer another person's question. Yet, extremely difficult to answer our own?

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Could it be because we are all one consciousness experiencing itself objectively?




  1. We do not.

  2. Your question goes to the issue of uncertainty.

    If we already knew the answer to our own questions then we would not have a problem. If we transit from a state of uncertainty to a probable answer then we still must resolve the lingering uncertainty that we initially had when perceiving the problem.

    Thus, it really is an issue of self-confidence in overcoming our uncertainty.  

  3. Well I do think objectivity does play a role. It's much easier to be objective when the issue does not concern you directly.

    But yes, I also believe in a collective consciousness that we are all a part of. Have you ever had an idea, say for a story or invention or maybe just a way of thinking about something, only to find out that someone else is having the very same or very similar idea? That is one example of collective consciousness. Another example is when you know the answer to something without having really studied or experienced are tuned in the collective consciousness.  

  4. The reason we ask a question is because the correct answer seems to elude us. Cool to think out of the box like that, but that is not likely

  5. Not knowing the answer is the reason for asking a question!!  

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