
Why do we find the word "QUARTZ" in watch?what,why,how about QUARTZ?

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Why do we find the word "QUARTZ" in watch?what,why,how about QUARTZ?




  1. All quartz watches are being driven by the crystal, which has an electrical pulse of x per second and are therefor very accurate.  


  2. quartz  

    quartz [kwawrts]


    crystalline mineral: a common, hard, usually colorless, transparent crystalline mineral with colored varieties. Use: electronics, gems.

  3. A quartz clock is a clock that uses an electronic oscillator that is regulated by a quartz crystal to keep time. This crystal oscillator creates a signal with very precise frequency, so that quartz clocks are at least an order of magnitude more accurate than good mechanical clocks.

    The piezoelectric properties of quartz were discovered by Jacques and Pierre Curie in 1880. The first quartz crystal oscillator was built by Walter G. Cady in 1921.

    Chemically, quartz is a compound called silicon dioxide. When a crystal of quartz is properly cut and mounted, it can be made to bend in an electric field. When the field is removed, the quartz will generate an electric field as it returns to its previous shape. Such crystals were once used in low-end phonograph cartridges: the movement of the stylus (needle) would flex a quartz crystal, which would produce a small voltage, which was amplified and played through speakers.

  4. the quartz is a crystal. the crystal keeps the time  

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