
Why do we get angry while driving when people cut us off, fail to use turn signals, tailgate us, and so forth?

by  |  earlier

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Why is this such a sociological epidemic of our nation?

Why is "road rage" so widespread?

Why is it that we tend to take it personally when people cut us off in their vehicles, or otherwise act like colossal idiots while driving?




  1. because they cut us off just to turn into a store. Plus they could have made us rear end them and it would be our fault.

  2. cause we don't feel like dying on our way back and forth from work or to the grocery store

  3. a lot depends on the age group . Unfortunately today no one is taught manners on the roads .why don't the instructors give a few  lessons on how to behave . Too many young kids are killing themselves by thinking "it wont happen to me " attitude . its always best to think the person in front or behind is an idiot and just take extra care

  4. because some of us are responsible drivers who do not want to pay to repair a vehicle or have to pay more for car insurance on account of some ******* moron that shouldn't be on the road.

  5. It's  poor planning, often combined with being immature.

    Sometimes people grow up and realize it's better to leave 15 minutes sooner so they can relax during the commute.

    Some NEVER grow up and NEVER relax.

    Personally, I relax and don't pay attention to ANYONE except the tailgaters. I PUNISH them by slowing down until they do what they SHOULD have done at first, which is pass.

  6. Personally, I hate stupidity.  Hang up and drive.  It's kinda hard not to take it personal when someone does any of the above.  It all endangers the person it happens to so the question is why not get mad?

  7. because we do

  8. It frustrating to see people have a blatent disregard for our safety.

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