
Why do we get carsick if you know how to drive but aren't the one driving?

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It seems that since I got my drivers liscence over a yeaer ago I get car sick if I'm not the one driving. I used to be able to read, stare out the window etc but now I'm forced to lay down in the back seat and try and sleep during road trips.




  1. Thats not so strange.  I've heard of pilots getting air sick when

    not at the controls.  Motion sickness is often caused by or

    made worse when the person can't see the horizon.  Seeing

    the horizon COULD work for you but unfortunately its not

    guaranteed to help.

  2. Heat, stuffiness, bumpy or curvy roads and sudden changes of speed make carsickness worse.

    So will activities, such as reading or playing video games, that involve looking down (you are increasing the sensory conflict because your eyes are saying “not moving” while you inner ear is experiencing motion).

    Loading down the stomach with a big meal is a bad idea, but so is withholding food completely, since low blood sugar increases nausea: Think frequent small snacks.

  3. i get car sick because, like you said, we are not driving!!

    and the person doing it doesnt do the way we do it! for instance, when my sister drives i rather sleep or do nothng but sit in the back seat, otherwise i get p**s and ended up sick because she doesnt drive like i would like her! but thats just her style and so i have mine!

    so things are not made the way mi mind and body wants them!!

  4. the big problem is, your brain is not ready for the jerking left and right and slowing down or speeding up, because it's not your feet and hands doing it...just like a rollercoaster. when you drive you brains and body are on the same page and your brain is telling your body in that split second that you are going to turn left..right...jackrabbit start...shower down on the brakes...ect

  5. because as you look oyt the window your eys tell your body you are moving but your brain knows you are not moving this conflict can make u feel ill

  6. Car sick usually happens when are eyes and body is not orientated to the direction of movement. Our bodies thinks we stationary even though we know we are moving. This is similar to sea sickness. Usually sailors get sick when their inside the ship's galley or in the cabin, but not in the ship's bridge. People who driving have visual recognition of the direction and so their body knows where it is going as well.

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