
Why do we get freckles ?

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  1. My Hungarian grandmother told me that the angels were kissing me at night.  That is what I tell my grandchildren.  

    Is there another reason?  :)))

  2. usually they are caused by sunburn and in pale people, they can't produce enough melanin for the whole skin area

  3. The skin is constantly producing melanin which makes the dark pigments on our skin . You can counter the production of melanin using papaya kojic and licorice base soap and cream which are available online. These work wonders.

    Maybe it will work on you too.

    Try searching it through Google 'shopaholic's bargains'

  4. it is hereditary meaning it is passed down from a parent.

  5. ask the sun

  6. Its the sun that gives you freckles!

    If you have a very light skin or sensetive skin the you get it!

  7. Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About FRECKLES!

    Q. What are freckles?

    The simple answer is they are an uneven tan. Your skin color depends on the amount of a pigment called Melanin it contains. The more Melanin you have the darker your skin color. Albinos have no Melanin at all in their skin!

    Melanin helps to protect you from the harmful ultraviolet rays in sunlight. When these rays hit your skin, the Melanin cells in your skin respond by releasing their chemicals which darken your skin and protect you better from the sun.

    In some people, the Melanin tends to "clump" in areas which appear darker than the skin surrounding them. This is how freckles come about. Melanin is regulated by the MC1R gene, and a variant of that gene is believed to determine how freckly you are. When you spend lots of time in the sun, these clumps of melanin are stimulated to produce more pigment thus you get darker, or even more freckles! The tendency to have freckles seems to be inherited.

    Q. Why do females and children seem to have more freckles than men?

    My best guess about this is because women and children have thinner skin than men generally do. Thinner skin would not only allow your freckles to be seen easier, but also make it easier for sunlight to stimulate the Melanin Clumps into action.

    Hormones may also play a role, as when pregnant women are said to get the "Mask of Pregnancy" which often is associated with more freckles.

    Q. Do all skin types get freckles?

    Every Race from Blacks to Asians, to East Indians can get freckles; but they are most common on White people. Freckles usually start to appear around the age of 5 years old, and generally peak during the Teenage years. They seem to fade during adulthood, which is probably due to hormonal changes and the fact that adults working jobs aren't outside exposed to the sun as much either.

    Freckles ROCK!

  8. it is a reaction between the sun and the pigment in our skin.

  9. Cause God took the time out to paint polka dots on you and not all others. Your special! There pretty! Be proud!

  10. by different rays of light from the sun or by genes

  11. Becuz of the sun rays that hit our face.....I hate em 2......but there is cream for it.....usually ppl who have freckles can't tan.....AND PETER REDHEADS AREN'T THE ONLY ONES WHO HAVE FRECKLES UR RETARTED!!!


  12. mostly by genes

    and if you have fair skin and go into the sun a lot you can get them

    i like freckles though, i think theyre cute on people

  13. You get it from the sun. If your not wearing sunscreen you get freckles. Sometimes you have it from birth.

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