
Why do we get headaches from too much screen time?

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You know when you watch TV or play computer games for too long and afterward your head hurts? Why is that?




  1. Well I know in my case it's eye strain..... my eyes just get tired after awhile and it makes my head hurt ;)

  2. I think it has something to do with our eyes. maybe you could look it up.

  3. Eye strain would be the culprits for the headache!

    To help prevent eye strain here are some tips:

    Blink your eyes three hundred time daily without squinting. Every individual blink actually cleanses your eyes and is actually a way of massaging your eyes.

    Rub your hands together until they are warm and then close your eyes and place the palms of your hands over your eyes. Just cover them, do not press.

    Breathe deeply and slowly while your palms are still over your eyes and envision the color black for approximately 20 minutes daily.

    Soak a towel in teabag(s) and place the warm towel over your closed eyes for about 10 to 15 minutes.

    And of course, Talk to your eye doctor about eye strain. You could have a problem with your eyes and do not know it.

    After prolong exposure to eye strain, you could have permit eye damage.damage.  

  4. because you're looking into light for a long time. and tip: lower the brightness in the tv and computer.

  5. I get headaches when I get sick sinus infections and strep throat, I get pills from the doctor and it goes away.  I usually have problems with light when I am sick.  The headaches I get from the computer cause me to make my head feel like it is splitting.  I believe that's because I don't use my reading glasses when I'm online, this causes me to strain my eyes to focus causing the headaches.  There are intensity settings on my computer to lessen the brightness and this helps tremendously.  I can usually stay on longer if I do this but eventually the duration catches up with me and I get a headache anyway.  I usually try to use the computer when I am wide awake and this usually stops me from getting these type of headaches.  Something to do with rested eyes I guess.  When I do this I quit after I get my business done and read my emails and delete all the spam I receive.  This alleviates the headaches and cuts down on computer time.  This gives me time to read or watch the telly.  I noticed that I don't get the headaches if I do the last two activities.  Hope I shed some light on your problem.

  6. I do that all the time, not so much TV but computer games. Maybe you sit to close or need glasses. I've never got a headache yet, but I do use reading glasses. How is your eyes? You know computers and TV's to omit radiation waves. Could be that.

  7. Well there are several reasons you get headaches after watching too much tv, or playing games, or staring at well......anything for a long time.

    Inside your eye you have a lot of nerves, unlike other nerves, the nerves in your eye go STRAIGHT to your brain. When you constantly bombard your eye with light and stimulation, you can get what is called "Ocular motor strain" (in English this equals putting too much strain on the nerves and muscles in your eye).

    Sorry this is such a bland answer (not trying to insult your intelligence but it would take 20 pages to explain teh pathophysiology). pause and take a break from Halo every once and a while killer!!! Your eyes will thank you!!!

  8. The lights and the flashing and are brain focus on one area

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