
Why do we get our wisdom teeth extracted?

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Some people have to get their wisdom teeth extracted while other people do not. Why is that?

I have a hypothesis - I think everybody is designed to grow at a certain rate and to achieve their ideal physical state. When this happens, they don't need their wisdom teeth extracted because they grow in correctly - the person has grown up "right" and their mouth is the right size to accommodate the wisdom teeth. Hence, they are wise.

Other people on the other hand, for whatever reason, don't achieve their ideal physical state in a timely manner. So, when the wisdom teeth grow in, their mouths have not grown to the correct size to accommodate the coming in of these wisdom teeth - which is why it hurts because there's not enough room for them. So, they have to get extracted. In essence, they were not "wise".

Do you agree? Is this why they're called wisdom teeth? (radical theory of mine I know, but I thought I would put it out there)




  1. Wisdom teeth or third molars are the last permanent teeth to form and move into the mouth. Wisdom teeth will usually emerge at around 16 to 18 years of age and be fully developed by the age of 22 or 23. This was assumed to be the “age of wisdom”, which is where the term “wisdom” teeth originated.

    In most cases, the jaws are not large enough to accommodate these teeth and therefore they remain under the gum. In this case, the wisdom teeth have become impacted. The term “impacted” describes a tooth that is not fully exposed in the mouth because it is covered by soft tissue or bone. This is due to an evolutionary trend to the large cranial (brain) size and smaller jaw limiting the space to accommodate the wisdom teeth.

  2. Good question.  Your theory sounds pretty good too, but my mom and I never grew wisdom teeth at all even though the rest of the family have had them. I wonder what that means.

  3. cause ****** dentists just wanna make some ****** cash so then can buy a ****** nice car

  4. "Wisdom teeth" are remnants of early man.

    Our jaws have gotten smaller over time and sometimes cannot accomadate those extra teeth.

    Some people are born with just enough room for them while others are not.

    Perhaps in a few thousand years (if we last that long) we won't grow them at all.

  5. that makes a lot of sense!!

  6. I don't think it has to do with knowledge, but I like your theory... and who knows... maybe if we were all raised like natives: running, hunting and working constantly we would grow big and strong and large enough to accommodate our wisdom teeth.

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