
Why do we get points in this yahoo answer thing here?

by  |  earlier

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We always lose points when we ask and gain when wqe answer. What is the point of it all?




  1. some of the stuff I've seen and heard others do is:

    answer those unanswered questions, by default you'll get best answer (highest scoring +10 pts)  or by vote.

    if the question has gone into voting, well vote yourself best answer increasing your points by 10.

    do a ranking of answers by date, answer those that are about to close out and come back and vote yourself best answer.  don't have to wait the 2 days to end a vote.

    vote your maximum each day making sure to vote your best answers before using up your tally.


  2. idk its just stupid. isnt this site supposed to be for helping people and not trying to get the most points? everything today has to be a competition. i dont get it. thats why i only answer the questions i really think about.

  3. The point system is an incentive for people to participate and "grow" the community.

    You noticed that if you ask a question you lose points... and if you kept asking questions without giving something back (answers to other's questions) your point total would eventually wind up at zero and you couldn't ask any more.

    By answering somebody else's question, you're helping them AND you're increasing your point total... so you can ask more questions. There are other ways of participating, too. Simply chosing a best answer for your question earns you points... as does logging in to Y! Answers or voting for "Best Answer" on a question that somebody else asked.

    Points also get you to different levels and there are more things you can do at the higher levels. This is all explained at the following link:

    Welcome to the community,


  4. Its a conspiracy... SHH

  5. its just for fun and its like a game.

    it would be boring if you just answered questions.

    and its fun to see how many points you got when

    you were logged off.

    and people would just write random answers

    instead of trying to get best answers so people

    will actually give and get good answers.

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