
Why do we give 2 cents about who's doing what in hollywood?

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for real, their all spoiled to begin with, especially all the heirs to family fortunes. None of these idiots know a d**n thing about starting from the bottom up. They never know what minimum wage is, and they d**n well dont know how to answer to superiors. And all this flash on tv programs like entertainment tonight and that annoying c**p show TMZ? i mean come on, enough is enough. I personally dont give anything about these people and am sick and tired of it. I dont care whos on crack, i dont care who is drunk, i dont care who's dating who's baby daddy momma uncle aunt drama c**p. Their all idiots to me personally and would love to see these idiots step into my shoes and do my job, and alone to boot! ( i work for a car rental agency). Lets see them try to do 70 car reservations in 7 hrs. So basically, after my rant, my question is, why do they think we care? And is anybody with me on this or am i just nuckin futts?




  1. OMG i no their a bunch of people who think their better then everyone coz they have money most of them dont even have talent they just wanna feel like somebodies and think that if their just like us their nobodies ...well were somebodies we just dnt live in mansions with 50 cars to go with our outfits and a $gazillion dollas in the bank! they need to get over them selves!

  2. I do agree, but your not totally correct. Many were no bodies and made it big, all with hard work. Will Smith, Madonna, Oprah, and many others grew up dirt poor and in total poverty. Eminem was half azzed raised by a welfare, druggie, unfit mother, and he struck it big. 50 Cent was a shot up drug dealer, living on skid row trying to raise his siblings, today they're all doing sweet and they did it all on their own. They are the ones that are inspiring. Now bimbo's like Paris and Nicky Hilton, they're family bimbo's The Gabors and all of them, yes, totally spoiled and they know nothing about the real life.

  3. well, you cant speak for all hollywood people, but i do agree that it is absurd how much c**p is said about these ppl.  Im not gonna say who, but my mom is in all this hollywood hubaloo, and ive gotta say its fUc**&# c**p what they say sometimes.  Im with ya.  just think about it, they are people too, and they did work hard to get to thier position, and maybe sometimes its handed to them, but the tabloids alwayyssss lie.


  4. i know!

    and what is sad is that most of them

    use the money for junk when instead they could

    donate it to a good cause of find a cure for something

    that is something they WOULD be acknowledged.


  5. Actually, many stars have come from poor/broken families, like Clara Bow (a bit before our time), JoJo, Bruce Springsteen, Will Smith, etc.  They worked their butts off to do something they're passionate about, to provide us with a form of entertainment.

    Have you ever been to the movies?  Listened to music?  Bought clothes?  Somehow, a celebrity is connected to that, by means of acting, singing or modeling.

    Many people are interested in celebrities because it's a life they will never experience themselves.  Celebrities are rich, and they do things most will never afford.

    Many celebrities, like Hal Sparks, abstain from drugs and alcohol.  The tragic reality is, many celebrities have no one to say 'no' to them when it comes to these things.

  6. it is all purchased anyway

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