
Why do we give so much out in foreign aid to countries that hate the US?

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Why does the US give it so much money to countries that hate us and the money usually ends up in the hands of corrupt leaders in that nation or is stolen, when we could be getting rid of our deficit, cutting taxes, or paying back the social security deficit.




  1. federal foreign aid is done as a political statement "we care!"

    it is actually a big mistake.  most of the money goes to the corrupt dictators/leaders to buy them a 5th rolls royce.  (you can youtube john stossel from 20/20 and see a video on this)

    private aid companies are better, but still can have problems.  thanks for helping bring this out in the open.

  2. I know sometimes it just makes you so mad you want to spit.  Here we are and everybody and their uncle hates us.  We are no good.  Every bad thing that happens is our fault.  Then something really bad happens and who is the first in line to help out the USA.  Your country in bad shape and you need a helping hand who is right there with money, man-power, equipment, food or medicine----the USA.  Things get better it is back to hating the USA again. But, we are the USA.  In my opinion the best country in the world if we can't help I guess no one can.  It is in our nature to help. I guess we don't want to change this and we shouldn't. It is one of the best things about us.

  3. As a nation we just give too much away without taking care of our own citizens because we think we can buy the world's affection when all they want is an open wallet & for us to keep our mouths shut.......

    Foreign aid given in 2007 that was approved by Congress

    $3.4 billion for the international fight against HIV/AIDS,

    $2.5 billion in aid to Israel

    $1.8 billion for Egypt

    $450 million for Sudan

    $371 million for former republics of the Soviet Union

    $228 million for Eastern Europe and the Baltic states

    $1.3 billion for international financial institutions, such as the World Bank

    $750 million for migration and refuges assistance

    $522 million for a new Trade Capacity Enhancement Fund to help nations qualify for and implement free-trade agreements

    $325 million for the Peace Corps

    $217 million for its security needs & $251 million in economic assistance to Jordan

    $5 million in military assistance and training funds for Indonesia

    On top of those figures are

    U.S. private assistance $33.6 Billion,

    Private and voluntary organizations $6.6 Billion

    Corporations $2.8 Billion

    Religious congregations $3.4 Billion

  4. Good question. :)

    America tries to get rid of the bad repuation it somehow has. But we're the top contributor in the world. Meh, they can hate all they want.

    But i agree with you.

  5. Well mr Hussein the United States hands out 16.5 billion a year in non military humanitarian aid. The bill sponsored by Barry Obama will put us on the hook for 845,000,000,000 more to the UN, the first payment of our hard earned tax monies will be due upon the bills passage and will be 65,000,000,000. All this money so poor people in the world can come up out of their own self made squaller.

    Don't you feel great about Obamas ' Global Poverty Act S.2433 ' ?.

    I talked to my senators office and they confirmed the bills existance, go ahead and vote for him, just remember when you lose your rights to your children, your guns and the UN uses our troops without our permission that you voted for him.

    Look below, this s**t is true

  6. Uh. Examples, please? We end up "giving" so much money to, say, China, because we DO SO MUCH BUSINESS with them. Otherwise I don't really know what you're talking about. The top three recipients of military aid are Israel, Egypt, and Colombia, and, as I understand, we're all pretty good friends.

  7. leverage my dear.... leverage

  8. The real question is, why do the American people stand by while our criminal politicians send taxpayers money to foreign governments?  Don't they realize that this is a violation of the Constitution?

    Our politicians have NO authority to send our money to foreign governments.  They have broken their oath to the Constitution, and they have broken the law.

    They (our politicians) are also the reason so many countries hate us.

  9. Because we invaded Iraq.

    They have enough money now and do not need ours, but President Bush insists we keep on giving.

  10. The US only gives money to countries that have US business interests, so it comes right back to the US.

    It's a legal tax loophole just like you personally would  get also whenever you donate to a charity.  You can claim on your all  donations to charity and get it back in your taxes.

    The USA receives foreign aid whenever a disaster strikes the USA . When Hurricane Katrina struck the USA  $854 million was given to the USA by foreign countries as aid to help the all of the victims affected by Katrina out of that only $40 million was spent to help the victims of Katrina. The same happened foreign aid support was given to help the people affected with the floods in Iowa also. The US media never tells the US public all of their disaster relief comes from foreign aid.

    If a earthquake or another Hurricane  like Katrina struck the USA hit the USA tomorrow do you think the US government has the money to help the people who would be affected.  

    All world countries give billions of dollars in foreign aid every year.

  11. Because the media doesn't tell you "Hey... look at what Bush just did..."

    They focus on American Idol and Jenna Bush's wedding... c**p like that.

    They don't say "Whoa... Bush just sent all your tax money to Pakistan and sent a bunch of guns and landing gear to Iran, folks..."

  12. Isreal and Iraq do not hate us!  We give the most money to nations that do not need it and leave the poor ones to suffer and wonder why they resent us nad the nations getting help when they dont need it.  That is the biggest contribution to the conflict, we are part of the problem and the solution

  13. The number is surprisingly small.

    Most aid comes in for form of military aid or food aid.

    Military Aid: The foreign country does not get the cash.  The defense contractors get the cash.  The foreign country gets the gun. The tax payer gets the bill.

    Food Aid:  The foreign country does not get the cash.  The agri-company gets the cash.  The foreign country gets the food.  The tax payer gets the bill.

    Are you seeing a pattern here?

    Now how "cash" ends up in the hands of corrupt leaders, that is easy.  It is placed there directly to keep them in power and to make them happy so they will continue to accept Military and Food aid..

  14. Food for OiL any repub l**k Can Knows that!

  15. You wouldn't need to give it out if you didn't go and invade everyone. I bet if you stopped waging war on everyone and just kept to yourself the demand for aid would decrease so much and everyone would stop hating you! Easy fix!

    P.s. Not trying to be too harsh, but everyone kinda does hate you. Maybe not on the individual level - I have met some great Yanks but on a national level you are the most hated country. You don't give money to us - Australia and you haven't invaded us yet, so we don't really hate you that much. Other countries would more.

  16. The blue states give too much aid to the red states, that's for sure.  They red states would be like 3rd world countries without the blue states there to feed them.

    Red States Feed at Federal Trough, Blue States Supply the Feed:

    Red States Make a Mockery Of Self-Reliance:

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