
Why do we glorify and in a sense celebrate a defeat in war?

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please take the time to read the story (True meaning of Anzac spirit) in the link below,,22049,23593567-5001031,00.html

and tell me why we dont acknowledge some of our greatest victories instead we glorify our defeats?

im not saying we shouldn't, its just our country has achieved so many great things, yet there not often told and rarely recognised........!

thank you in advance!




  1. the only reason we had such a huge loss of men in gallipoli is because the bloody poms left out men on the wrong beach

    YES we should glorify the loss,what Australia is today is because of those brave men

    we do Honor the war in France,services there every year and a big service with thousands of Aussies attending in France a few years back

  2. Anzac day is a lot more than what you think

    The Anzac spirit means remembering those that died fighting which ever war it was or whether it was won or not soldiers go where they are told its there job.

    Glorify doesn't come to mind on Anzac day

  3. Victory is so sweet.

  4. I was encouraged by the story on your link, thank you.

    We need more people to spread the word.

    My parents taught me about the battles of The Great War, but not everyone is so lucky.

    If you ask anyone who has been to war they will tell you there is no glory in war.

    Yes, we all know Gallipoli was a defeat, that's not what is being commemorated. The entire campaign had no chance of being anything other than a total disaster.

    It was the birth of a national identity for both Australia and New Zealand.

    ANZAC Day is a day to honour and thank all those who have gone before us.

    Those who have made sacrifices, both large and small, to give us the safe and prosperous country we enjoy today.

  5. Because liberals, don't want to hurt any countries feelings. By saying we beat them in some sort of conflict. Instead we should believe America is evil and is the number one problem in the world. And what a way to do it, by demoralizing the population. By discussing what we do wrong, instead of what did we do right, and what could improve. Libs are so pathetic, don't get me wrong, righties are pathetic as well, we need a third party!!!!!!

  6. public loves misery

    Recognizing defeats is a way to make people stronger. It recognizes that we are not infallible.

  7. ANZAC day is neither about celebrating victory or celebrating defeat in war. It is about those who went to war, whether victorious or defeated, and the brave fight that they fought for our country.

  8. because ANZAC Day is more about the ones who died and the Aussie (and Kiwi) Spirit.

    Our numbers were way down compared to the number of Turks when we hit Gallipoli, so to have some return home is a big feat feat in its self.

    If we just focused on the wins, there would be no last post, no minute of silence and not many people would participate if we focused solely on winning wars.\

    Most of the wars we lost was because our enemy had a greater number of to have any return home to a population of 5-10 million at the time of war is a f*cking amazing feat in its self!

  9. hay mate....all the way from were too young to see anything worth fighting for. But you can read & think.

    see SB darlington(4star marine general)....wars a racket

    theyre selling you red alert fear & they always will have an enemy;theyre manufaxtured.

    Also ,giving up some of your liberties for freedom" then you deserve neither,

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