
Why do we go forward and not backward when the brake is put on the car?

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You now when you put the sudden brake or something the people at the back come forward. So thats what I mean. Why do we go forward when they put the SUDDEN brake and not backward?




  1. Because the car wheels are designed to move forward unless you put the car in reverse gear.

  2. This question doesn't make any sense. Can you please rephrase it?

  3. momentum

  4. Because you are going forward and the opposite happens when you drive backwards and put the brakes on, the cars goes backwards.......

  5. The rapid change of direction would rip off your head? I did not mean it, you don't have to ask foolish questions on April Fool's Day

  6. I'm not sure what you mean. if the brake is on then you shouldn't be moving at i would get your brakes checked.

  7. Weird question. The brakes do not control the direction of the car, just slow it down until it stops.

  8. Because the brakes only stop the car, actually they only stop the wheels. so you and the car continue moving forward. the same thing happens when you step on the gas, you get dragged along with the car and because you weren't moving, you get pressed into the seat until your body catches up with the force of movement.

  9. i really believe that you should not have a driver's license at all.....what do you mean by this question? inertia is(or should be) common knowledge! when you brake your body and your car itself tries to maintain it's former state of movement! that's why you are thrust forward when braking!

  10. hit the brakes , car slows down, no brakes on you so your body weight will still push you foward

  11. Inertia!

  12. It is one of Sir Issac Newton's law. It is call the law of inertia. It states "A body in motion tends to remain in motion, a body at rest tends to remain at rest." This means that since the car is moving forward and you applied the brakes it still wants to continue moving forward because of it's inertia or momentum. If you were driving backwards and then brake very hard guess what? You would be moving backwards. Same thing applies to going sideways if you could go sideways.

  13. When you use break to stop the car, It actually stops the car ONLY. As a passenger, you move in the same speed as the car  moves while driving. But when you hit the break, It will stop only the car and not you. So after break, you move forward and the car stops there itself.

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