
Why do we harm innocent people when they didn't do anything to us?

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how come when a war comes we bomb people who isn't in the war but they get killed for no good reason.




  1. Who the h**l did the 9/11 highjackers hurt? Weren't those people innocent?

    How soon the bleeding hearts forget.

  2. Sure?

    Look in the real world.

    With "Children are to be seen and not to be heard"

    With self lack of knowledge.

    In playing cowboy and red indian.

    In own backyards.

    Playing computer games of tic,tac,toe.

    While passers-by get caught in the crossed fire.

    When they should be in schools.

    In finishing their home-works too.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  3. During war , civilans and soldiers die. It is not planned but happens. I think that extra efforts are taken to avoid areas where civilians are located, but some cases these areas can not be avoided. Bombs and bullets do not know the difference of soldier or civilian.  

  4. I blame Bush.

  5. it all comes down to money.

    war makes money

  6. it's life you live you die. if your in the wrong place at the wrong time you get killed by a bomb or drunk driver, or what ever it is that cause your life functions to cease.

  7. barbamatt, oh hey why dont u start lookin for the arabs in ur own town as well and shoot them like dogs? :) how the fck do iraq ppl have to deal with "9/11 hijackers"? i dont believe that there were any hijackers at all, but even if there were, so what? now ur gonna destroy the whole ethnicity? so fcking cute :) ignorant american, what can i say :)

    darrell m, so u suggest all of us drinking and driving then, dont u? :)

  8. Well, hajji, I guess you would have to ask your militia leaders/cowards why they have you hide behind civilians? The US, and our Allies minimize collateral to the best we can, but occasionally, you folks hide behind the civilian population to attack us, set IED's in civilian areas... so, you tell us, why do you do that? I think it displays cowardice, and desperation.

  9. Collateral Damage.

  10. There is always innocent people who die in wars, wrong place wrong time. Your not perfect are you? well neither is war!!!!!

  11. The irrationality of war does not require it to answer to any reasonable questioning.  

  12. Because the fastest way to win a war is to make sure it affects the civilian population of your enemy. It's sad but it is a fact of life.

  13. It's called Collateral damage.  The US is extremely careful about keeping this kind of thing to a minmum.  So much so, in fact, that we have lost many of our own soldiers rather than risk such events.

    If you are talking about the US as we, then you aqlso need to REalize that "WE" have a much cleaner record that any outher country in history.  We should have some pride in the fact that "we" have been successful at reducing this gorey event better that Dar Fur, Hitlers Germany, Iran and Iraq (when the fought each other).  Russia, China, or numerous others.

    This is sad, but a true thing  that is the basic reason war is called war, and not football or soccer or tennis .  War is War.  It is bloody and horrible and brutal, and expensive.  But people are going to do it anyway.  

  14. The US military tries fairly hard to avoid killing innocents, actually.  Rules of Engagement are assigned to limit what the military can do, who they can target, and what sort of weapons can be used, but remember that the most important mission is to preserve the lives of your own soldiers.  However, bombs do miss their assigned targets, after all, and even if they hit what they were aiming for, a 2,000 pound bomb will knock down buildings all around the impact area.  Artillery fire, too, is somewhat imprecise and the explosions and shrapnel often kill unintended people.  That's the terrible thing about war.  It's also why it's a very good idea to fight a war in your enemy's country, not in your own.  For as long as there has been organized war, the majority of a war's casualties have been among the civilians of the places the war was fought.

  15. Collateral damage occurs, We the US try to minimize this happening. But when the enemy surrounds it self with civilians we try to go in with Troops to capture or remove the enemy. Dropping bombs is a last resort, our guidance systems will place our bombs with-in 10 foot of the designated targets center this significantly lessens the collateral damage, WE do our Best but when your time is up no matter Who you are it is up. 99.5 % of the people killed in the bombings are killed by Insurgent, Religious in-fighting and terrorist.


  16. In the military we have a thing called collateral damage (acceptable civilian casualties and non military target destruction)  It sucks but the fact is this is the nature of war not everyone that dies is a combatant. But war is supposed to be messy brutal and horrible. If it wasn't what stop us from engaging at the drop of a hat.    

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