
Why do we hate people who are different than us?

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Why do we hate people who are different than us?




  1. we don't share the same ideals and same culture so we find it hard to relate to them  

  2. Because we all grow up to love that which we see that is like ourselves.  Most people do not grow up in really integrated neighborhoods no matter what we see on T.V.  A lot of people's only exposure to someone of another race is outside their home environment.  They don't socialize together.  They don't really understand each others culture's except for the stereotypes that they see on tv. We don't really know each other.  We don't bother to get to know each other either.  We take for gospel the prejudices that were handed down from generation to generation and never bother to find out for ourselves what a black person is like or a latino is like or an italian is like or a jew is like... and even then there are layers within those communities as well.  We don't see people, we see color; and until we start to see people we will continue to hate.

  3. I don't think it is hate I think it is fear. I think that we like our way and we think we know best. People who are diffrent have ways of thinking that are odd to us. This isn't an example of hate but the way I feel it resembles it. These days we are more tecnologicly advanced. Why is it more of the people around 40 and up aren't so conviced tecnology is the way to go? Is it because they are stuburn or is it because it is a new way of things? That not be the best of examples but you should be able to understand what I mean. If not I'm trying to say people are scared to mix what they know with something diffrent and new even if it could be better for us.  

  4. Hate comes from fear.

    A human being is a pretty potent object.

    One who's motives we don't understand might be dangerously unpredictable.

    To the extent that we fear that, we hate.

  5. Because we are Human. Short and Simple.

  6. We project upon others what we don't like about ourselves..until we get it.

    We just pretend that they are different.

  7. I don't.

  8. I think it is because we as humans are frightened of anything different, because it is different. When we encounter something different, it is new territory and we are not sure how to react to get a positive output. If something is different, we are unsure and that is a dangerous feeling. We hate feeling awkward and new around something different so we tend to avoid these situations, and as you say, hate them. Hope this helps!

  9. The easiest way to feel good about yourself is to point the finger at someone who is not like you and say "you are inferior".

  10. ...they smell, act, eat, and talk different too...

  11. You actually love them for the same reason...often full of wonder...

  12. We fear the unknown, and are ignorant to the fact that we are one, all from the same original mother

  13. Because everyone usually hate things we dont understand. If someone is different they don't make sense to us because they may not express themselves the same or dress different or anything really. Sometimes it's jealousy but usually its confusion mixed with some curiosity and not being able to understand.

  14. Pack mentality? I think people are afraid of things that are different, they want to conform so they'll be safer and more at ease. Then when they see anything different they think that it must be wrong.

    So basically i think it's a combination of arrogance and fear.

  15. Because we fear what we don't know.

  16. Because we are intolerant animals who need to feel a part of the pack.

  17. because we're scared of what we don't know and things we're not used to.

  18. you mean why do some people hate others who are different than us. I don't hate anyone. I've come to notice though that there are so many people who are so closed minded that if they see someone that is the complete opposite of them, and have different morals and values, that they have so much hatred for them. If that makes any sense. People have to realize that we're all hypocrites in a way, that we all make mistakes, and that we all grow up in different ways. Its really sad that we can't see that in each other.  

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