
Why do we have a department of homeland security when Bush and congress refuse to guard our borders?

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Talk about a huge waste of money. Politicians love illegal aliens because they supply cheap labor for corporations and the Dems think all the illegals will vote for them. So why not just dismantle the homeland security nonsense and quit wasting money?




  1. Don't be too quick to dismantle it.  At least it has kept us safe from terrorist attacks on US soil since 2001.  I would never have thought, after 9/11, that we wouldn't have had another attack after almost 7 years.

    I agree that we need to get control over our borders.  On the other hand, we also need to keep good friends with Mexico.  In 1917, Germany offered Mexico Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico if they would help Germany invade the US.  Mexico said no.  Some other enemy power might try something like that again, and we'd like Mexico to say no again, wouldn't we?

  2. Illegal aliens cannot vote for anyone.  The Department of Homeland security is doing it's job.  Securing the homeland.  No terrorist attack has been committed by anyone entering illegally from Canada or Mexico.  It is not a waste of money, I assure you.  It's been 7 years, and their hatred for us has not eased, but their ability to strike us has been thwarted, and by who?  Do you know how many terrorist plots have been uncovered with the cooperation of homeland security?  Believe me, if it were not worth the funding, you wouldn't be the only liberal bashing it.

  3. President Bush & Homeland security are doing the job ; congress hasn't earned a penny and should stop collecting a paycheck ..those swines .

  4. ITS ALL ABOUT THE HISPANIC VOTE. It means more to the politicians of this country than our laws on the books. You know....those politicians that swore to up hold the laws of the land when they were sworn into office.

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