
Why do we have anti- venom laboratories and do they an effect on the wild population.?

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i am doing an assignment i am struggling to find out why we have anti-venom laboratories and what effect do they have on the wild population?




  1. I was going to answer this question but the first answer was so good I don't even need to bother.

    I am curious as to why you would ask this question.  To me it seems very obvious why we would have "anit-venom laboratories"  and I don't know why anyone would wonder what kind of effect they have on the wild population.

    The only thing I can come up with is that you thought anti-venom labs were somehow coming up with ways to kill the plants and animals that produce venom or something crazy like that.  Please tell me that is not the case.

  2. Anit-venom laboratories exhist to try to find cures to the poisons of the world. They study TOXINOLOGY, which is a division of toxicology. The study of plants, and animals (also bacteria!) that produce a toxin in their bodies used for defence, mostly.

    They have discovered that an increasing number of toxins can be used as research tools, unlocking secrets of disease, or as diagnostic agents in hospital laboratories, or as therapeutic agents to treat human disease, including anti-cancer agents, anti-epileptic agents, anti-clotting agents, analgesics and anti-hypertensive drugs. This is a very rich field for research as the list goes on.

    The studies don't affect the wild populations much, and the animals are very well maintained. Snakes are milked, but not too often as to injure them. After they are milked they are put back into a cage. There are vets that work there to make sure that all the animals are treated well ad receive the care and nutrition that they need. Some animals, if they were captured from the wild, will be released back to the wild after they have been studied and tagged. Most animals that are in labs have been caught in places that would have caused harm to people if they were left alone (like in neighborhoods with small children and in parks).

    Hope this helps

    Also, they say that there are no poisonous snakes in Korea, but we had a man in here last month that was bitten by one. If they didn't have the anti-toxin at the hospital, he would have died. Toxins are no joke. There are many different kinds that attack different organs of your body. Ones that attack your nervous system, and some that break down tissue.

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