Really, i was reading an article about white people hating black people, one man stated "i dont hate the ones who are in the black countries, just the ones who are here because they do not belong here, i want them out"
I dont know what point that dude was trying to make, but im slowlyyyy starting to agree with all the racist people.
Im also black, and black people im see'ing today ARE ignorant, obnoxious, snotty, and they think they deserve more respect than anybody else.
I do not like who they single out black history in school and make it a main thing, i think if they will do this culture history, they need to do EVERYONE or just dont single it out at all. Because it is making alot of people mad, my friend said its not fair that he has to spend a couple weeks learning about the "great" people every year and he isnt hearing any other cultures.
Some black people are destroying neighborhoods and/or cities because they are just stupid, and that reflects on the whole culture in my point of view.
As my friends say i am not the typical "black guy" i listen to rock and mostly rock, skateboard, gave up baggy clothes because it just became a little stupid, and doesnt watch BET and MTV, so its safe to say i prove alot of stereotypes wrong.
I really kind of got off track here =P
So, what do you think of different cultural months.