
Why do we have black scholarships?

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meaning why do i hear constantly commercial for funding blacks or mexicans or whatever....i never hear a white scholarship program...not that i would really agree to that either...

but basicly what im asking is when do we stop sticking race in everything...when will they kill the race scholerships and have children scholarships? no races just kids of any or every race?




  1. I agree...minority...

  2. Because we need better educated thugs, that's why 90% of the convited fellons are minorites.

    The education that they get, go towareds learning how to beat the system. But the crime in other areas have gone up, aperantly they haven't learn how to beat the system, but white collar crime has gone up since scholarships for minorites.

    That's how come the satistic are still 90%.

    So that is my answer " We need better educated thugs".

  3. I dont know

  4. I've heard of these for years too.  You know what?  They don't really exist in any great numbers.  

    There are private scholarships out there and the people who give that money away are free to give it to whoever they want to.  Reality is though, these days, there aren't all that many private scholarships available to a specific minority group.  

    Those who disagree - show me one.  For every one you show me that is for a specific race, I'll show 100+ that are not.

    Most scholarships and grants are coming from 1) the fed  2) the state  3) the college.  These tend to be based on either financial need (without regard to race) or personal achievement (without regard to race).  In fact, present laws would prohibit any of these being all about race.

    We can do the whole "why is there not...." all day long.  I've never found a scholarship specifically for short men - that's just not fair.  (sarcasm intended)

    Anyone that thinks that there should be a specific scholarship for any specific group can create one.  Do you think that inner city hookers need a better break?  Pay for them to go to college.  We are all free to create whatever private scholarships we want to.

    If I did decide to pay for some inner city hookers to go to college, no other group would have the right to declare that I'm wrong spending my money on the hookers instead of on homeless male surfers.  It's my money to spend as I see fit.

    When you see these rare specificity scholarships, they are privately funded.  The answer to your question "why" then is because someone decided to put up the money for it.

    Analyze the source of funding and see if you don't reach the same conclusion.  It shouldn't be a shocker to anyone that the Disabled American Veterans tends to help disabled veterans.  Why would it be shocking that the United ***** College Fund helps - let's see, wonder who....

    add: why in the world would that word be censored?  It's the legal corporate name of a specific organization.  oh well, y'all get the idea.


  6. Well according to statistics these are the races that find it hard to attend college because of finances. Its just a way to make it hard for minorities not to go. If they get scholarships and help with school then fewer minorities will be dependent on the government.  I think its a win win situation.

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