
Why do we have different "races" of people in the first place ?

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Why do we have different "races" of people in the first place ?




  1. Certain groups of people have more melanin in their skin than others.  The world was destroyed in Noah's day.  All that was left was Him, his son's, and their wives.  Well they all split up into different regions of the world and reproduced.  The differences in the genetics of the brothers and wives became dominant in the different regions that they lived in.

  2. Gift of the Europeans and highlighted by Hitler to claim superiority.

  3. in terms of skin color its a resualt of our skins need to use sunlight in order to produce vitamin D, combined with the need to block out the harmful effects of said sunlight. nearer to the equator theres so much sunlight that melanin(a natural sunblock) is in high levels, yet dosn't effect vitamin production. but farther north and south the sunlight levels are lower, so the melanin starts to impair production. so natural selection favors lower melanin levels, leading to lighter skin. (though in this day and age we supplement vitamin D in bread as well as other foods so there isn't as much selection for or against melanin.  

  4. This is the obvious and natural result of geographical isolation in different habitats over extended periods.

  5. its just another attempt to divide us.

  6. we were genetically altered over and over by a highly advanced alien race. They even experimented with humans and animals, you've seen it carved on Egyptian walls, a half man half horse and many more different half breeds. its just been dismissed as mythology  

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