
Why do we have fears?

by Guest61842  |  earlier

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Why do we have fears?




  1. To protect our self. Fear's are normally made by Association. For example if someone is bit by a snake they would then associate a snake with the pain of being bit.

  2. Fear is nature's way of saying "That's not safe for you."  Yes, many fears are irrational fears of simply the unknown, but there are real fears as well.  

    From Mike S's profile, I have been a firefighter since before he was born, and he is a stupid kid (just like I was at 18).  The more I learned about fire, the more I was afraid of it.  I watched it destroy buildings in minutes, injure friends, and almost kill some of us.  Those of us who have survived the business for a few years NEVER want to go into a burning building with someone who is not afraid - they WILL take stupid risks.  So why do we do it?  To protect others from what we fear.

    The same can be said for other endeavors as well.  I'm careful with my family's money, because I'm afraid that if I take a stupid risk, we may not be able to pay our bills.  I mitigate that risk by researching investments.

    Fear is good.  How much fun would a roller coaster be if you weren't afraid?

  3. We have fears because we are human and humans fear what they don't know or understand


  5. Friend,

    because we are not true to ourselves and others too.

  6. Fear is fear in itself!

    We should have no fear, none!  If we fear anything, it should be the wrath of God!  He has the ultimate power to do anything!  If we are one with Him and maintain an airtight relationship with Him, there is 'no' need for fear; fear of anything in this life and beyond!  :D

  7. because the amygdala in our brains processes negative emotions into fear.

  8. An unknown thing is the cause of fear.Once it becomes known, fear vanishes.

  9. The answer is simple and yet difficult to understand!

    Pain is the recall of fear. We , all know , pain . Pain either by our direct experience or by indirect observation . Pain hurts the body so much and many are not able to bear the pain. If we are confronted  with an unknown  situation, what we instantly notice is our fear. But , deep within ourselves , what we suffer is the recall of pain  . Once we have that recall we fear more and more  , if only to escape the pain .

    Cancer. The person fears more the pain of the cancer than about the death due to it.

    When you are on an operating table you fear the pain  and the doctor gives you anesthesia  to take away the pain and your fear is less.

  10. We don't !

    What we call fears is nothing else then the fear of unknown. Little kids are scared of darkness because they sleep during the night. Lot's of people are scared of spiders and most of them life in big cities. h**l! I was scared of fires but now that am a fireman it's like another day at the office for me.

    As u can see the best way to fight the scare is to learn about it and discover that it's really not so bad. UNLESS were talking about buggy-man that guy always gives me the creeps.

  11. Fear is a primal instinct and a response to danger. Don't mistake it for anxiety. Fear makes us react to outside or external stimulus for out benefit, fight or flight. Keeps us from becoming prey. The ability to feel fear is an extremely necessary emotion otherwise we would not learn to touch a hot stove, or when to avoid or take flight from a dangerous, fatal situation. Fear has its place, just as it can be debilitating if taken to a phobic extreme.
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