
Why do we have feelings???

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lool, i know its silly to ask, but why do we have them, when they ruin ur life most of the time???




  1. because we are humans, and without them we are nothing

  2. because we are alive.  

  3. We Have Feelings Cause We are Human Beings ! Only Machines Dont Have Feelings !

  4. Without feeling we wouldn't be human being!!

  5. because its what makes us human. without feeling we would be like robots. Also having feelings and thoughts and desires is what makes us better people when we choose to do the right thing instead of the wrong.

  6. The feeling of fear of Allaah...brought me to Islam

    The hope of geting my sins erased....fuels my salaat

    The love of my parents, husband, brothers and sisters in Islam.....Helps me smile for every Salam i spread

    Feelings are not meant to ruin your life....They help you appreciate the important things in life.

    Ramadhan Mubarak

  7. because we are

    ashraful makhlokat

  8. Coz we are humans beings..who breath, we need them.

  9. because we are humans and you know the true meaning/purpose of life. its like a exam.

  10. Feelings such as sadness, happiness, love etc are characteristic of human beings, which sets us apart from animals. WHy? Which organ in the body is responsible for these feelings etc. Find out more from this article:  

  11. well...because...i don't know, you think too much, easy on yourself.

  12. we have feelings because we are human beings who are alive and human beings have senses..

    btw, why do you say "loool" so much ;p

    EDIT: lol yes, ROFL too ;pp

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