
Why do we have holiday for xmas & Jewish holidays in Europe & US while nothing for Islam?

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they claim they are free secular countries. is it double standard or secularism?




  1. And what exactly do you mean by "have a holiday"?

    Do you mean a "statutory holiday" where the government mandates that people must have a mandatory vacation day?

    Those are only done for Christian holidays.

    Do you mean that people only celebrate Christian or Jewish holidays? You know that's not true.

    Do you mean that workers are not allowed to take off of work for a religious holiday unless its Jewish or Christian? That's not true either.

    Besides, consider this: If what you are saying is correct, they'd have to do it for ALL religions.

  2. If a country wanted to have national holidays for every religion then noone would ever go to work or school. I don't even think Jewish holidays are actually national holidays.

    I don't necessarily think it's a double standard. They go by what's majority. If a country is primarily Christian then that will be their national holidays.

    All other faiths, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc will not have any national holidays for everyone. However a member of any faith can always request to have the days off from work or school (to go to the mosque, etc) and you are entitled to request and take the day off without any issues.


  3. Yeah, well they are trying to for Eid, but they can't declare a holiday only a few hours before the day starts.     Now that most people are fine with using science to spot the moon, its starting to move along.  

    It does make sense though to make a day a holiday if a majority of the population are going to request off that day.    

  4. because people are screwed up in the head

  5. Who cares  what the KAAFFIRS do

  6. We are free and secular, but we have a vast majority of Christians.  There was NEVER a need for a Muslim holiday.  Muslims are allowed to take time off.  It's the law.  All you have to do is ask.  It is totally impossible to give time off to everyone from every different religion that exists.  You'd have someone missing all the time.  So the majority are accommodated.  It's mostly just tradition now.  I know many non-Christians who celebrate Christmas.  

    Deal with it or go to Saudi Arabia or Iraq so you can practice as you wish.  Allah tells you to do that.  

  7. that is what i'd like to know!

  8. Because we live in a Christian country. Funny I never had a day off for Yom Kippur (Jewish Holiday). Does Saudi Arabia give days off when it is Christmas?

    Also at my old school Muslims are given days of for both Eids and also have school put back half a hour during the time of Ramadan. Not fair? Do you want a red carpet in all?

  9. In America although the Jewish people celebrate their holidays, they are not considered national holidays, only Christian and patriotic holidays are official ie businesses close and employees get the day off.  This is because the US is considered to be based on Christian values.  Do you ever see Christmas, Yom Kippur, etc. celebrated in Islamic or Muslim countries?  No you don't because their countries are based on Islamic holidays, not Christian or Jewish holidays.

  10. Being secular doesn't mean that people are not religious or not spiritual. Historically Europe and US ('part of the Western World) have been Christian or Jewish. Turkey claims to be secular too, but is predominantly Muslim.

    So a country can be officially secular but having inhabitants with religious beliefs. In the Western World people have chosen to be it that way. It has been and still is a wise choice, especially in an economic, cultural and innovative sense.  

    If you know a free religious country, please let us know.

  11. the US is not that diverse yet.  at one point we didn't celebrate jewish holidays.  that just started when i was in i think middle school (and I'm on only 36)  think of how recently black history started being recognized in public schools.  and there are still states that don't recognize martin luther kings bday as a holiday (arizona for 1).  but putting even more emphasis on this ever changing world of our, interracial marriages were illegal in some place is recently as the mid seventies.  so to answer your question, i believe that the celebration or the recognition of islamic holidays is definitely coming.  we live in a bipolar world--one day one thing is wrong, but tomorrow ir will be ok or acceptable.  so once again, i believe its coming. maybe not in our life time but pretty soon the us will be as 'open' as they claim to be

  12. I know we should have a "ramadan holiday"...Lol but still explains why some Muslims are top Students in my school!

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